HALLOWEEN SEANCE & MEDIUMSHIP CLASS with Accredited Professional Mental Medium Laura.  Bio below.

GET READY!  When spirit is around anything is possible!  You might feel the room temperature oscillate dramatically, extreme chills or be literally pushed by spirits in the room with us.  When we do we will focus to get more messages and take photos too!  We will use crystals to enhance this process.  Opening to spirit is enhanced when we have many people in room working together.


mediumship class


1.  PEN AND NOTEPAD.  Please bring a notebook and pen to jot down messages as they come in.

2.  LAYERS OF CLOTHING.  Please dress in layers of clothing in case temperature in room goes up or down due to spirit’s presence.

3.  TAKE PICTURES to CAPTURE ORBS!  We will be stopping for photo opps if anyone feels chills, energy or temperature in room going up or down.  Therefore, you might want to have your camera ready to take pictures to capture orbs or other types of spirit messages around attendees!


1.  The basic four L-O-V-E steps to open to spirit.  These steps are:

(1)  Let Go in Meditation to awaken 3rd Eye with AmethystAmethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace

(2)  Open your intention, focus and awareness in prayer with Angel Quartz.  Angel Quartz is said to help with angelic communication and communicating with Higher Self and inner wisdom. It is used by mystics to help access Akashic records and past life recall. It is said to bring peace and tranquility because of the angelic protection it brings.

(3) Vibration amplification and alignment with Clear Quartz in a fun energy exercise.  Clear Quartz will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.

(4) Entirely receive messages using one or more of these crystals:  Apophyllite, Blue Lace Agate, Celestite or Charoite.

Apophyllite promotes openness, frankness, helps overcome insecurity and openly show your real nature, helps give up anxious tendencies and thought patterns

Blue Lace Agate is a stone of communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others, or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths

Celestite is an extraordinary crystal for mental, emotional and spiritual work.  Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for spiritual  practice.

Charoite is an incredible stone of the Violet Ray.  It is known as Stone of Transformation and a stone of prophesy.

2.  The Five Key Pieces of Evidence to Get From Spirit.

(1)   Appearance.  What did the soul look like when in physical form?

(2)  Name(s).  What names do you see, feel or hear?

(3)  Passing.  How did spirit pass from physical to spirit world? Illness, Accident, Suicide, etc.?  Details.

(4)  Relationship to Sitter.

(5)  Personal Messages.  Usually the soul in spirit will have helpful advice, encouragement and acknowledgement for sitter.


EXERCISES will seek to obtain the five key pieces of evidence described above, progressing in level of detail from loved ones in spirit using the major clear senses.

Sensing who is there, a guide or a loved one, male or female energy, older, younger, peer energy, any smells, any feeling in your body?  Do you feel something emotionally or physically?  Do you smell or taste something?

Seeing.  What do you see?  Describe the visuals.  Colors, pictures, visions.

Hearing.  Do you get a name?  Do you hear a message?  Messages can be very profound.



LECTURE covering subjects above.  (15 – 30 minutes.)

MEDITATION.   Let Go in Meditation.   (15-30  minutes.)  Staircase Meditation recorded.  Link here.

Open in Prayer:  Father, Mother God, all beings of highest love & light please come to us now, etc.

Vibration Alignment.  Laura creates a psychic field.

Entirely Receive messages.

Exercise 1.  Students will be guided through one exercise using teacher as sitter writing down what they get as the sense, see and hear.   Results will be discussed in group setting to learn by example.   (15-30 minutes.)

BREAK (5 – 15 minutes)

Exercise 2.  Students will sense, see and hear with partners as they round robin from partner to partner.    (15-30 minutes)

BREAK (5 – 15 minutes, if needed and time allows)

Exercise 3.  MESSAGE CIRCLE.  Students will sense, see and hear in a circle giving messages to each other.   Spirit Medium Laura will deliver messages as appropriate.   (30-60 minutes)

Laura’s Background at


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