CLEAR LIMITING BELIEFS. Here is a simple story, exercise to help you attain your dreams by instantly clearing limiting beliefs.
CLEAR LIMITING BELIEFS INSTANTLY . This little story and exercise will help you instantly clear limiting beliefs and create a new reality for yourself.
This morning I heard my cat out on the porch meowing. I had been locking her there at night because of late she had been waking me up during the night prancing about the house.
The porch is fully insulated, heated, air conditioned, with food, water, clean litter box, and even a television so I was not concerned she would want for anything when out there. :)
Even though she should be perfectly comfortable out there, I heard her meow. I did not get up immediately because I wanted a bit more sleep. Finally, when I got up, I went immediately to the porch to let her out.

The porch door was NOT locked! All this while she had been in that room meowing that I let her out, she was free to get out!
Laughing out loud! I had trained her to believe she would be locked on the porch and could not get out until I let her out!
I didn’t even know I could train her!
As I kissed and petted her this morning, I had a thought.
How often are we locking ourselves into boxes, porches, cages, just because we have been accustomed to not getting what we want, not winning and being limited?
With this thought I just had to write this article to remind you and me everything around us is there because we believe it is supposed to be there, must be there and is there because that is the way it is.
But today spirit taught me something new.
REALITY is not like this. Reality is believing first, setting intention upon those beliefs, then acting as if the new reality is the truth.
Here is a little exercise for you based on The JOY Secret, a new and simple way to attain your deepest dearest dreams in life.
1. Take a few minutes to write down a goal, dream or objective, something in your life, you have been trying to get, but try as you might, it evades you.
2. Write down why you think it is not possible.
3. Think for a moment about my cat, who was thinking, believing she was locked on the porch. Now frame your beliefs about not getting what you want within this context. Perhaps what you think you cannot get is an imaginary illusion. You are not trapped in a box!
4. Now set for yourself a goal related to what you really want. Ex. I am in love and marrying my perfect mate.
5. Create a simple mantra for this desire. Ex. LOVE WED. This is to symbolize you are the vibration of love and commitment, in as simple a phrase as possible.
6. Now set a timer for five minutes. Find yourself a comfortable chair, lock the door to your room, and begin to focus on this phrase. Inhale the word LOVE. Exhale the word WED. Do for five minutes, remembering to relax, focus and just be.
7. Go about your day.
8. Do this for 30 days. Your life will change. I guarantee it.
Sending love to all of you.
Spirit Medium Laura
Book your private Soul HEALING to HAPPINESS session with Laura at