Metaphysics Law of Attraction Secrets Channeling: Be Mindful To See
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(This is channeled material from the Alpha Omega Light Beings, Order of Melchizedek on the metaphysics of law of attraction. )
“Good day. We have come among you on earth to help with your health, healing and sense of being alive. When it comes to love we are the experts for it is love that is the center of all things.

When you get home today ask yourself what is it that I love in my life at this time? Is it people? What people?
Is it place? What place?
It is a time or event? What event?
Try to focus on yourself more, to hear your inner voice. For with this listening you will begin to feel better. You will begin to live better and you will begin to love your life more.
You need to listen and then respond to the messages you hear inside of your head.
If you are not feeling well, or if you are in a rush all the time, you need to take time to just be in silence. When you do this you will feel better. You will begin to see things differently. Actually you will begin to see.
Seeing is the most important thing in the earth vibration, for it is when you are born to earth that your ability to see diminishes. It is only with this lack of awareness of the all that is, that growth can occur.
When the light of awareness shines brightly upon your experience you are prevented from evolving. Evolving can only happen when you cannot see everything.
On earth you are blind. Through blindness sight, true site (being), is then developed.
It takes blindness to find site. Ironic, yes, but true.”
Learn Law of Attraction Secrets. Take the Law of Attraction Soul Abundance Course HERE.
Learn how to Channel Spiritual Guides. Take the Soul Channel course to meet your guides, learn your life purpose, past lives and how to channel HERE.
Be Mindful to See
Good day. We have come among you on earth to help with your health, healing and sense of being alive. When it comes to love we are the experts for it is love that is the center of all things.
When you get home today ask yourself what is it that I love in my life at this time? Is it people? What people?
Is it place? What place?
It is a time or event? What event?
Try to focus on yourself more, to hear your inner voice. For with this listening you will begin to feel better. You will begin to live better and you will begin to love your life more.
You need to listen and then respond to the messages you hear inside of your head.
If you are not feeling well, or if you are in a rush all the time, you need to take time to just be in silence. When you do this you will feel better. You will begin to see things differently. Actually you will begin to see.
Seeing is the most important thing in the earth vibration, for it is when you are born to earth that your ability to see diminishes. It is only with this lack of awareness of the all that is, that growth can occur.
When the light of awareness shines brightly upon your experience you are prevented from evolving. Evolving can only happen when you cannot see everything.
On earth you are blind. Through blindness sight, true site (being), is then developed.
It takes blindness to find site. Ironic, yes, but true.