This is channeled material from June 1, 2015 radio show. Radio show can be listened to HERE.
Commentary by Spirit Medium Laura. Each of these channeled pieces is not rehearsed, nor anticipated. The Ones comes in during each radio show to teach how to live more successful lives on earth, while heightening their blissful journey through it.
Today’s message is about how to distinguish between the fearful goals our ego might instigate in contrast to the evolving goals our soul will whisper to us. If one learns to discern between the two one will live a more successful, enjoyable life on the earth plane of existence.
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“We are here. Indeed we are the ones the ones that work with you on your life, on evolving. Each and every one of you has a path, a path of abundance. A path of love: love for self; love for others. Each of you is like a beautiful flower unfolding in a field of greens.
Do not ever underestimate the importance of your own life and how it contributes to the whole. Many have you may have given up or not understand, not have the awareness that you are truly a contributor to the health and the well-being of the universal all.
Each of you has profound responsibility to live with integrity, to live with a sense of oneness with the all that is, with God. We on the other side and in spirit, in the realm of the spirit world, we as consciousnesses that do not have physical form in your dimension, we always are approaching you and studying you as earth we are always looking at you to see how you’re doing where you’re going.
We are not here to help you per se solve each and every whim. No rather we are here to help you accomplish the goals that you’ve come to earth to attain. There is indeed a difference between that which your Ego wants and that which your soul wants. Your soul is the area of greatest perfection and greatest intention and greatest achievement for yourself.
Your ego will talk to you in ways that are false, ways that would confuse you, ways that would keep you stumped and not allow you to move ahead in a spiritual way, and also in a way of accomplishment on earth. It is extremely important to learn how to listen to your soul for if you do (your soul is your intuitive voice) if you do, you will find that life will have a certain flow to it. Things will come to you with less effort, with less effort and higher integrity.
When we say higher integrity we mean that you will be achieving not only all your own heartfelt goals, but also helping evolve universal now where everything resides. All of us reside in the place of oneness and you are part of that oneness.
Please understand that you are important and that we are here to help you understand your role and to help you achieve it. This evening we will say one way to achieve what you desire most in life. It is probably the most important thing to understand and that is to be able to discriminate or discern between your ego and your soul whispering to you.
If you hear something that makes you feel frightened or fearful, if you have a hankering for goal that makes you feel insecure, for example, if you do not have it you will not be, that is usually your ego. Your ego comes in on the wings of fear. Those are the goals that you must dismiss, knowing that you are eternal and that you will never ever ever be gone.
The goals that come in that have to do with evolving your self and helping those around you, particularly from using your gifts in service, these are the voices that you should listen to for these are the voices that will be accomplished, these are the invoices that spirit will help you with, these are the voices that are miraculous inside of you.
So listen from your heart, that means your feelings, of what you truly want to accomplish and give of yourself this lifetime. Do not expect to get if you do not give. But understand that giving from your true core center will be extremely and exquisitely blissful. Ask for the bliss of fulfilling your purpose and your purpose will lead you forward.
Channeling Spirits Message Ends
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