HIP PAIN – Hip Flexor Workout
The pain in my hips was getting to be unbearable, scary and debilitating for me. I loved to dance, but with this pain it was beginning to seem like I was ready for a hip replacement, not a swirl around the dance floor.
I consider the following discovery a minor miracle! When you include spiritual resources in your healing practice, you will find miracles do present. Discover why I say this below.
FREE REPORT. Obtain a FREE REPORT on the hip flexor workout sequential flow method (a real solution, better than wasting time with simple static stretching) for hip pain, hips locking up, walking discomfort, trouble sleeping, high anxiety, compromised immune system, lack of energy, etc.

Every time I got up from sitting for a long time, which I have to do for my work, I was in tremendous pain and could not walk.
Can you imagine being out on a date and you get up from the table appearing to be a cripple as you hobble away?
I was only in my early 60s, not my early 80s!
The pain was getting worse, not better.
My older sister had found a way to heal her own hip problems with a Kyrobak. The Kyrobak is a machine that uses oscillation therapy to help relief lower back, hip and knee pain.
I bought one. It helped about 10% maybe, so I continued to seek a solution.
In my world of spirituality and mind body soul healing, the first place I go for a solution is metaphysics.
VISUALIZING SOLUTION. Every day I would meditate for at least 10 minutes on seeing my hips cured. I would relax deeply in a theta meditation and allow myself to “see” the healing.
LAW OF ATTRACTION and MANIFESTING worked! Through a weird coincidence (synchronicity) I was given a path to healing.
HIP PAIN – Hip Flexor Workout
Here is the story.
As I sat at my computer late one night seeking information on a marketing subject, I stumbled across information about hip flexors.
I didn’t even know what they were, let alone that this information seemed to be extremely important to many according to the number of Google searches I found on the subject.
So I decided to see what it was about.
HIP PAIN – Hip Flexor Workout
LO AND BEHOLD! There on the report I read about the symptoms of having out of whack hip flexors (related to the psoas muscle). These symptoms were the very same ones I was trying to fix.
- Nagging joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips
- Walking with discomfort
- Hips locking up
- Bad posture
- Trouble sleeping
- Sluggishness in day to day life
- High Anxiety
- Digestive problems
- Compromised Immune System
- Circulatory issues
- Loss of sexual performance
- Lack of Explosiveness in the gym or sports
Yep, I thought I was just getting older and my best days were behind me.
Yet, I looked around me at other people my age. They did not have these issues.
Friends of mine in their fifties, sixties and even seventies were moving on the dance floor, had tons of energy and did not have any immune system issues.
So I took note.
It all made sense. Why?
Well, over fifty years ago I had been diagnosed with a lower spine injury which had gotten worse over the years.
I had lost 3″ in height from this as lower vertebraes in my spine slipped down into my body.
I was able to keep the pain at a minimum and function rather normally over the years until a few things changed in my life.
- STRESS. EMOTIONAL LOSS. The stress levels in my life had increased astronomically. I had lost the love of me life. I had lost most of my monetary nest egg for retirement.
- SITTING. I began to sit a lot at my computer to find solutions to life problems I had which were causing my stress. It was nothing for me to put in 4 hours in a row sitting there!
- BODY TRAUMA. I had had the body trauma of an injury to my lower spine. Some women experience body trauma from giving birth. This could be true of accidents and other types of trauma.

This part of the body is extremely symbolic spiritually. It is the part of the body that connects the upper to the lower, the diaphragm for breathe to the hips for movement.
You could say this is the portal to the spiritual world from the physical realm. Perhaps this is the Seat of the Soul.
When you have an issue in this part of your body you will probably be experiencing a crisis of survival, as it is very often related to the root chakra and scarcity issues.
As I experienced a crisis of being in my own journey, my psoas muscles and hip flexors churned and burned.
Book a private health medium appointment with Laura. Go HERE to book.
FREE REPORT. Obtain a FREE REPORT on the hip flexor workout sequential flow method (a real solution, better than wasting time with simple static stretching) for hip pain, hips locking up, walking discomfort, trouble sleeping, high anxiety, compromised immune system, lack of energy, etc.
Here is a great video which gives you some free exercises as well to help with this problem.
Disclaimer: All medical advice needs to be validated by your chosen licensed medical professional. These ideas are here as insight to begin your healing process.