Miracle Prayer.
Do you feel alone, afraid and not sure what to do to resolve a particular situation in your life?
Is this misery overwhelming you?
There is a resource you can use to help with this situation. It is a four sentence prayer to use with Archangel Michael.
Join our mailing list here to gain access to more information about the miracle prayer.

A Story About Miracle Prayers
I was lost, alone and afraid. A man I had loved kept pursuing me but without any substance of commitment.
The problem was not that I was ignorant.
The problem was that somehow he controlled my heart. He had perhaps instinctively learned how to control my emotional interest in him.
I felt helpless in this traumatic situation of unrequited love.
No matter how much I struggled to get free, I only slipped deeper into his control of me.
He had me in the palm of his hand. I could not seem to get free.
Finally after years of this misery, I prayed. I prayed to God with all my heart that I would not WANT or DESIRE this man anymore.
I completely surrendered in this prayer. I had tried to be set free on my own. That did not work.
When I surrendered in this miracle prayer, lo and behold, a miracle occurred!
Within three days of my asking God with all my surrender and sincerity to be set free, this man did something to me so abhorrent I was CURED!
I was and still am completely free of any desire for him.
So if you ever, ever, ever doubt that God exists do a MIRACLE PRAYER! You will find if you prayer from surrender, sincerity and deep emotion, your prayer will be answered.
It may not be in the way you anticipated, but your situation will be healed in some way.
Many times you may not recognize when God is providing a miracle to you.
Please keep your eyes and heart open. For example, as in the story above when I was trying to get free, it never seemed to be granted.
This caused me to evolve to learning how to work with surrender in prayer.
First step to get your miracles is to surrender in prayer to what is happening.
Surrender to a higher power begins the process!
Join our mailing list below to gain access to more information about the MIRACLE PRAYER.
God bless,
Please help me get my ex back as my life partner she is th mother of my child and love of my life, please help.all my thanks laura:)xx
Please pray that my ex fiance, Dean, and I will get back together. My heart is so broken
Tina’s daughter find perfect job.
Help me get grounding, know where I have to be. Show me the way. Tired of falling and getting up. Show me they way home. I went trough a divorce lost my grounding. My home my business. My family nucleous. I need prayers to show me where I have to be to start my grounding. I need a home a financial security, my business to start giving me returns. And my boys to have a place to call home.
Hi Laura:
Healing for my Uncle Sal who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Please pray for his health to improve and that he is cured from Cancer.
Also, please pray for the union of Franco and I to become official.
I am grateful for your prayer.
Please include my family and I in your prayers. We have been out of balance far too long. We have mental & physical health challenges. Help us release & heal!
Thank you!
I pray for my relationship with James to heal and become where that will one day lead us to marriage. I pray that he did not mean what he said recently and that he will contact me soon and tell me he is sorry and loves me. I pray that he and I can finally be back to the relationship we once had, and that he will help work to restore and make our relationship work. Amen.
Lords Help me.
Today and everyday urgent prayer for me and my family save me save me job
This month and all month and 2015 and all year save 2015 is good year all different problem solve me
I am still job lords help me get better job. Lord I am request you lords help growing faith my family lords help in all the war to reach in faith goal lords helps as to prayer for family my wife sheeba shakeel and son sulemanbhatti and romail bhatti and me and all year save me save me job and secondly my brother Shahzad bhatti save job and save family. I am hurt my family financial problem and lord solve me all different problem. We pray for financial blessings to provide and share with our family through your love Lord. Lord Hear Our Prayers my all different problem solve Jesus Christ praise the lord .amen this month all month and repeated again save me job and save me family Dear Lord please help me get permanent at work.im a breadwinner at home I need Your help I pray in pain my Lord’s believe in prayer. Thank You Jesus however I am asking for you guidance and help to solving my financial crisis. Satan different problem credit lord are you solve me problem and save me and save me job.
So dear father I say the lords prayer and will let you lead my way to a better, less stressful life.
Thank you my lord Please Oh Lord open up the doors for me and my family Satan is a liar. I need your forgiveness and help Oh Lord. With all my hope and trust and reliance on you. Hear my prayer God. I give you thanks for answering my prayer and I look forward to receiving Your financial and other blessings today. In Jesus’ name, amen. Dear God, my struggles with money are bringing me down. I am in dire need for myself and my family. I know that You have all answers, and You always hear me. Please shine your infinite light into my life, Bless me with abundance so that my family may thrive.
I thank You for all You have done for me to date And I pray You will always remind me when I forget That my spirit and soul always dwell in Your good graces. Thank You oh Lord, for blessing me with material comfort So that I am reminded of the bountiful fruits of Your deeds. Praise the lord jesus Christ amen shakeel bhatti dear lord into your hands i place my worries cares and troubles i place my path direction and my goal into your love i place my life
Urgent today and everyday this month and all month prayer for me and my all different problem solve jesus Christ and save me job and save me family amen
Email Address:- sulemanbhatti@yahoo.com
Dear brother and sister specially daily prayer for me save me job and save me family and all problem solve me this month and all month this year and all year save me amen my future change praise the lord
brother this month is very heavy month please prayer today and everyday amen my differnt problem solve jesus chrsit
Complete dental healing and healthy bone regrowth. Balance of hormones and minerals for energy, ease, and good sleep. Thank you.
i need healing for myself….for black magic done on me..i want to be with my children…..i need relief from visitation of spirits…!
Please pray for me to cure my depression and anxiety. Help me to attract only positive people in my life who want to help me grow into an abundant life full of blessings. Put a circle of protection around me and send away people who want to hurt me. Bring a loyal and trusting husband into my life. Please me with many financial blessings and get me out debt. Bring jobs and financial blessings to my life.
Please get Jason out of jail and out of this trouble. Please get him home again for
his two children and his family. Thank you so much. I believe in miracles. I believe
God will do this. Thank you.
Please pray for me; that I will have financial increase.
And please pray for greater love, intimacy, closure, and peace in my personal relationships–this including romantic, platonic, and familial connections! Please keep this in prayer/meditation for me! Thank you
Please pray for my partner and I and for our relationship. The intimacy disappeared causing great pain and confusion. We sought help through counseling but he wants to give up after only 2 sessions. We still love each other and I just don’t believe in giving up on love. Please pray for the best outcome for us both.
My prayer is for INTIMACY. I’ve had a lot of trouble in relationships. I have been in love before but have never had a committed romantic partner or someone I love to love me back. I don’t know what it’s like to have someone to call my own. Please pray that love will happen for me and that the roadblocks to a fulfilling love-life will be removed from my life! For this I would be forever grateful. (I’m male and interested in the same)
I pray for a loving relationship. I pray for my prince charming to come and take me away. Ive been in horrible relationships my whole life and all I pray for is someone to love me and respect me and not cheat on me. someone who wants to enjoy life and not sit in a bar all the time. Someone who is not afraid to show his feelings. Please pray for me. I don’t want to be alone anymore.
Dear Lord, today I pray for Melba and Brenda who are having a very challenging marital life having to deal with husbands who are alcoholics and may loose their jobs. I pray Lord God that you help these two women out in their life and bring them peace, job, happiness and financial assistance which they work so hard for and truly deserve. I also pray that their husbands will stop drinking completely and will lead happy and healthy lives with their families. In Jesus Most Mighty and Powerful Name I pray. Amen.
Our Lord who chose Jerusalem, rebuke you satan and all your evil works from Brenda and Melba’s life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Praise God Alleluia.
I am here to request a prayer for a healing to my relationship with the one I love. He has given up on us and only remembers the bad times we had together. I need him to see the happiness we had together and remember his love for me. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray that I may be healed from my debilitating depression and anxiety. Please pray that I may be healed from my chronic bladder/pelvic condition and my current breathing difficulties. Please pray that I have an overall body healing/upgrade. Please also pray for my family that they may have perfect health and wellbeing, as well as safety, peace and joy. Please pray for my sister’s boyfriend, Andrew Matney, who has recently learned that his cancer has returned. Pray that he may be healed. Thank you!! Love and Light.
Will You Please pray for helping me to marry the girl I am in love .
. Thank you Laura!
please pray for my friend trevb to be cured from this cancer that is currently ravishing his body. And to help ease his troubled soul.
Please help me figure out the purpose of this mess and where I go from here. Help me continue on my path of greatest good. Please help me keep the thing I most need.
Please pray for My mom, Anne. She has stage iv cancer and is currently on hospice and hasn’t been doing too well. She is only 51 and prior to 4 months ago was very healthy. I really would love for a miracle to happen. I’m getting married in July and want more than anything for her to be at my wedding. Thank you!
Please can you send me lots of love, light healing, as I suffer from depression, insomnia, anxiety and have had a very complex operation on my right foot, which is swollen and sore, and am in a cast long term and also on crutches. Thank you so much.
Please help Martha recover from her weak heart, angina and she also has bowel cancer, please help her, she is suffering so much right now, and really needs the healing.Thank you so much.
Please can you send Manny lots of love, light healing, so that he fully recovers from the stroke affecting his right side and hand. Thank you so much.
Please pray for me and my family for a financial breakthrough, which will enable us to meet and satisfy our pressing obligations(rent, food & utilities). Amen
-Jordan Vira
-Eleanor Vira
-Kyle Jones
-Kylen Vira
-Kayden Vira
please pray for me and my family pray for my daughter lord remove the sickle cell trait cure my sons eczema.. bless me and my husband with a job so we can be debt free and build a savings bless us with a home where we pray together communicate love forgive and have will power and a strong bond : i pray for my daughter to also have straight hair i pray for my children to do excellent in school and walk with the lord i pray for forgiveness and for our sins of the past to stay in the past and never surface and for my children to look like one another build a strong bond together and live for each other and their families and for them to never be in debt and to always have money amen
please pray for me and my family pray for my daughter lord remove the sickle cell trait cure my sons eczema.. bless me and my husband with a job so we can be debt free and build a savings bless us with a home where we pray together communicate love forgive and have will power and a strong bond : i pray for my daughter to also have straight hair i pray for my children to do excellent in school and walk with the lord i pray for forgiveness and for our sins if the past to stay in the past and never surface and for my children to look like one another build a string bond together and live for each other and their families and for them to never be in debt and to always have money amen
I pray for healing of my family, my boys and my husband that we may see each other as Divine Beings of light and love, in a space that is healing for all of us. I ask for healing for myself, my kids and husband, family and friends. I ask for any karmic debts to be disbanded and dissolved with ease and joy and that we allow love, prosperity, health and joy.
Also for the winding up of my fathers Estate quickly and for the highest good of all concerned.
I Pray for a soul mate for my sister – SE
I pray for clear guidance for my higher work and to reconnect with the plant people.
I pray that I will no longer suffer. That I heal from my last breakup. I pray that God sends me the strength to get past the lies, betrayal, and unfaithfulness. I am hoping God sends me someone who loves me for me. I would also like to ask for prayer of my family I hope they get out of all this financial crisis. Amen! and thank you!
Prayer for my finances to get better pray I get a teaching job and utilize my skills. Prayer that I could pay for bills and food and have money to pay back debts. Prayer for a miracle for abundance in love and finance. Thank you for my healthy children and bless me with a great love of a man and a great teaching job .GODSPED
I find the God will not provide the answer you want as a complete cop out, he should that is what he promises.
Please pray for A and I and for our friendship to evolve into a loving, forever, relationship. Please pray for the outside disturbances to pass so that we can achieve this together. Thank you and God bless.
I would like to ask for prayer for reconciliation for my marriage. I pray that my husband will come to me confess his love for me and how much he is in love with me. I pray that he realizes the and my worth and express how grateful he is for all I have done and stood by him through. I pray that he comes home and shows me passion , compassion , empathy through words and actions. I pray he realizes and feels the success we can be as a team. I pray he comes home and immediately start working on repairing our marriage and communication.
My dad, Bob, has an aggressive form of cancer. Please pray for effective treatment and spontaneous healing for him! The cancer is in his esophagus, lymph nodes, and sac around his right lung.
Please pray that my boyfriend will love me as he did at first, and will be filled with joy and happiness in our relationship. Please pray that he will cherish and value me and our relationship, and ask me to marry him. I ask that his hunger and thirst for God will be renewed, and that God will cause us to serve Him together for the rest of our lives.
Please pray that N and A will finally be in a forever relationship together and that A professes his love to N in a very permanent way.
Please pray for my mother, Sylvia. She has heart, lung and other ailments and I am so very worriedf about her.
I need a miracle for my ex lover to communicate with me and be willing and wanting to talk to me and work things out.
I need him in my life more than anything in the world.
please pray for ashty kitty health [poisoned]? and finding a home. emma boy cat leg and all health. ricks’ health and finances. jimmy lung and other cancer & addictions. davey addictions, mental and physical health. dave g health. april health, money, beautiful healthy home, good car, living my love. earth and all the animals. love and well being to all.
thank you Laura and all for your prayers.
Healing ,finances ,relationship
I wish and pray today in my loneliest and darkest hour that you, Gods creations, my brothers and sisters pray for me. Pray that the love of my life Jessica R. comes back to me immediately in love. Life is but nothing for me without her and my heart just doesn’t beat the same. Please pray for me, your brother, as my heart will pray for you. May The Lord bless you!
Physical healing of left ankle and weight issues.
Finding right lifes work/path. Getting out into the world again.
Changing to “doing” instead of endless “studying”.
Clarity/healing on emotional issue with husband of 31 years, who moved out 4 years ago.
I’m 63,I have diabetes, thyroid, gout, arthritis, pain in my knee, feet, arm, shoulder, I prayer to the Heavenly Father to take this disease from my body, heal my mind, heal my soul, heal my spirit, heal my eyes, heal my thoughts, heal my finance, heal my memory, forgive me of any sin that I commit against thee or anyone else, heal my mouth, bring me closer to you Lord, I love you , I believe in you, in Jesus name, glory be to God Amen.
healing for heart family
healing for my heart blessing for family.
I’m asking for prayers of reconciliation for myself and the love of my life. she is my best friend and I hope one day for her to be my wife. But recently we had been arguing and it scared her and she left. I know this seems silly but she was the one person who loved me and I love her. Please bring us back together again, let our foundation be strong and loving please let me get the apartment that I recently applied for. I want to create a home for my family including her. I love her and I want her in my life forever.
Thank you
Prayers for me that I actually believe the miracle I have always hoped for..
in summary an end to the suffering..
prayer that I believe it is possible for it to happen for me. I can and have seen it for others.. me feels different.
so me seeing beyond, having faith, and having hte miracle(s) happen
pray for a friend Pam in Nevada.
She has to find a new place to live within two weeks and financially, health and so on, this is a huge issue.
She has two large dogs and very little money.
Prayers for a good place or good transition to a new place, and everything else possible good for her
Prayer for my granddaughter that her scoliosis is healed. That she is given a healthy appetite for strength and nourishment. That she is experiencing perfect well-being. Thank you!
I am praying for a Christmas miracle. For restoration of my relationship with the man I love, M.
Hi, I would like to ask you to pray for my Psychic Abilities and for my guides to speak to me loud and clear so I can help many people as I go forward with my spiritual journey. Please & Thank you!
Bryan Rawls
Lord my husband is on drugs and left us he is doing bad things. We haven’t heard from him in over three weeks. Please help us and if jail is the best place so he can get help let it be. That way me and my kids can have peace of mind and rest. Please forgive me for all my sins. Please show me your love and compassion. I thank you for coming to our rescue . In Jesus name I pray amen. I want to receive Jesus as my savior and get all these negative thoughts out.
I pray that my current ex boyf Dave and I will get back together. We both still love eachother.
Please pray and bless My parents – My father T.balakrishnan, My Mother T.Vimala and myself T.Shobiraj for solving problems and remove tension and fear
a) To Win the Appeal filed by my mother T.vimala and by me T.Shobiraj against shelna in Calicut District Court, by winining this case will allow my mother and myself to relieve from tension and fear , as shelna and her gang , babu, ramesh, kanakaraj, purushu, kirtanam babu, jayaraj , baskaran, are often threatening right from july 2009
b) To win the Appeal filed by myself T.shobiraj against shelna in high court of kerala , ernakulam, by winning this case will allow me to relieve tension and free from shelna and her father padmanban’s as they are torturing me right from march 2009
c) Myself T.Shobiraj i lost a nice job with high paid salary during the year june 2012, my present job is not a permanent and also my salary is very low when compared to my previous employment , i am looking for a better job, help me to get a better job with good pay which i was getting from the previous employer during the month of May 2012
d) i am unable to meet my expense is higher and apart from this monthly i have to pay fees to advocate for the legal case which is going on for the past several years, kindly allow me to win all the legal case in kerala cout and thereby put an end to all court cases and increase my financial stability .
e) Please pray for My father T.Balakrishnan & My Mother T.Vimala to cure all disease
f) Please forgive sins commited by me T.Shobiraj, my parents T.Balakrishnan & T.vimala, kinldy give protection to me and my parents from all evil spirits, psychic attacks , black magic and any one who try to harm us.
g) My company secretary exam for executive module –II Scheduled on 24th December 2013 to 27th December 2013, kindly give me the power to concentrate on my studies since due to lot of personal problems, i am unable to concentrate on my studies as i feel sleepy with lot of tensions and eye irrations, kindly bless me to study well and pass with good marks for the upcoming exam
h) There are lot of other problems also so kindly pray to almighty god which would enable me to relieve the tension , fear life threatening , i am very much in a dipulated stage, please pray for me and for my parents
I pray for restoration in my relationship with Mark. I pray that we will reconcile and become friends again? Please? CA
My mother in law hate me so much that she wanted me out of my husband house because i have been unable to give her a grandchild i never knew what to do one day when i was at my working place a friend of my told me about how she had a spell cast on her by this man named Dahiru and after which her life came back to normal so i chosen to give him a trier which i did contacted him on his email: arewaspecialisttemple@yahoo.com after which he get back to me and told me what i need to do and also how my problem was going to be solve and after 1month i started seeing changes in me i and so happy now that i can now give birth to my own child and my mother in law is now happy with me since i have been pregnant for her son.
Please pray that I will get pregnant. Thank you
Thank you Roberta for your offer of help. If everyone on this list prayed for themselves and others on this list it would be very powerful. Thank you.
Im a single mom and struggling to survive life has become soo very hard for me and my son. hes 10 years old. we have no money for food and I struggle everyday. I have been out of work for like 6 months now. Im a Caregiver to the elderly please pray for me that I will soon get a good paying Caregiver job close to my home here inBurbank California as my car needs work done it and is not in the best shape. I also have hight blood pressure and cant go to the Dr. I have no health insurance and no money. thanks soo much for your prayers and God Bless!
I have read each and everyone of these comments for prayers. I send out white light to all of you for healing and pray for your good health, happiness and that you have all that you need financially. I was going to post for myself, but after reading this, I have enough in my life and I can handle what isn’t perfect. Spirit has given me abundance and more importantly, given me compassion for each and everyone that has posted here. Sending all of you blessings, love and light.
My family and I have been going through a bit of financial crisis lately. I would like prayers for us not to lose our house. Thank you and God bless.
Please pray for me. I am in need of urgent dental surgery and can’t afford it. It is causing many other health issues and I have reoccurring infections that are putting my heart at risk. Also need a hip replacement but have to take care of my dental before they will do the surgery. In all it will cost nearly 5000.00 out of pocket before insurance. Thank you for this page. And thank you for praying for us.
I am asking for prayers to heal me from cancer. My insurance will not pay for the treatments and I do not know what to do. My family is not very supportive and I feel very alienated from people right now. I just want to put this behind me and get on with my life and be able to finish nursing school and be able to provide for myself and my family. I am also asking for miracles for everyone here as well , thank you and blessings.
Please surround me with the white light of gods love and protection. I ask for prayers of healing of my disability of severe nerve damage in my arms and legs. The doctors don’t know what is causing my nerves become damaged. It is extremely painful and I cry as I toss and turn every night in pain. My legs are on constant vibration and I have a lot of burning and,stabbing pain in my hands and feet. each year I’ve noticed that my nerves are being attacked much more than the year before and I’m afraid of what my future holds… I’m so sad because Listening to music causes my body to become spastic and I do everything I can to ease the pain. I am on a lot of medication and it truly doesn’t help much. the spasms affect my daily meditation. I pray for an answer or healing of my undiagnosed nerve damage. With the love of God I pray for healing be sent my way..
I have been going through a lot with my health, cant find a dr. money problems, just seems like every thing is falling apart in my life. I need all the prayers I can get. thank you very much for doing this. your a angel!! love you!!
I pray for program and contract success. Relieve me of the financial burden to be able to achieve better clarity in business and home life.
thank you for the wonderful blessings of $15,000 dollars given to me now – and for my wonderful new career that is so successful and pays me more than double of my previous job – and thanks for my freedom, abundance and joy I experience daily -thank you for my perfection 20/20 vision – thank for my perfect body weight of 47 kgs – and thank you for bliss and excitement I experience daily – thank you for my son’s immune system’s instanteous healing and restoring itself to it’s natural perfection – and stays that way hence forward. thank you for my sons wonderful successful jobs that they love and pays extremely abundantly -way beyond their wildest dreams. thank you for the joy and excitement they experience daily – thank you for the love we experience each moment…. thank you for our riches of all sorts. – it is so
Please pray for my son he was diagnosed with ADD and when he was younger put into a class for learning disabilities. He wants to get into Fitch School but they keep putting in the computer class instead of the school but it is harder for him to do his work reading from computer instead of from real books in as real class. Please pray he gets into the school. And he also plays football and this is his dream to be a good running back his couch puts him down and gives him a hard time. I been teaching him to pray and trust in God but his faith has been challenge after we lost his sister almost 5yrs. ago plus he says nothing works out for him and why is he different from everyone else. I wish that thing would look up for him for his faith can be restored. For he can see he deserves Gods blessings to and that God loves him too.
Unexpected Financial MIRACLE of at least $13,000 which will all go for: bills, remittance for my family back home, my younger siblings school payments, and for my upcoming wedding expenses back home. Thank you! I am grateful because I know it is on it’s way to me. Thank you, God!
PS: And Thank you very much, Laura for creating this List and helping us to make it happen. More blessings to you!
Dear Spirit Medium Laura this is my 1 time ever visiting this web page . Thank you I ask for a miracle prayer yes I am in need of a 5000.00 Yes I am asking you to pray for so that I can recieved a miracle to pay off my past due debt and also have money to pay my mthly bills and more hours at work please pray and help me.
Please pray that I can recieved the money to paid my past due and current bills that I have money to pay down on a car. I need 5000.00 and totake care of myself and to pay loveone that help me .
pls am so sick since last year and today dont wnt 2 die i wnt 2 live 4 jesus i need healing 4 my bod a i cant stop thinking of sin which is masturbation
I hope this is the right place for prayers. Please pray for Peter who has a meeting Friday about getting a contract to build something for a Company in Rhode Island. His company was originally supposed to get the job and now a larger company has invaded his area of production and this could mean financial ruin for him. He deserves to get this Contract and is terribly depressed about it.
Thank you
I pray for restoration of my relationship with the man I love. That God would open his eyes and send him back to me.
Please pray for abundance and prosperity in all aspects of my life.
I wish from my heart to find my biological father sooner than soon in my lifetime and emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
im praying that everything is gonna go good for me right now things arent looking too good for me but im hanging in there
First of all, I would like to thank God that He brought back my Lolove to me, and although we are apart at the moment, I appreciate the fact that we still have feelings for each other.
Please help me to pray that I will have faith in this relationship and that we maintain our love for each other despite the distance. Please help me to pray that we soon get together and be with each other every day in a loving, harmonious and happy relationship that will lead us to marriage and together for the rest of our lives.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
First of all, I would like to thank God that He brought back John to me, and although we are apart at the moment, I appreciate the fact that we still have feelings for each other.
Please help me to pray that I will have faith in this relationship and that we maintain our love for each other despite the distance. Please help me to pray that we soon get together and be with each other every day in a loving, harmonious and happy relationship that will lead us to marriage and together for the rest of our lives.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
Please pray for a healing in my relationship with my boyfriend of four years. We have reached a “stale point”, and we are not moving forward. Please pray that all obstacles, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, familial and financial be removed quickly so that this can and does happen. Thank you and blessings to you.
Earlier this year I met a truly wonderful and inspirational man who has unwittingly changed my life. He is a very focused and dedicated individual who is on his own mission from God. We are friends but not in a relationship. We both believe that God bought us together and are pleased that he did. This man embodies everything I could ever hope for in a partner and I have developed very deep feelings for him.
I ask for you to pray that he will realise that I am here to help him on his mission – not to distract him or divert him from his course. And for him to see that together we could achieve great things and be of great benefit to each other. His name is Mark L, God knows him well.
I have read all of the prayers in this list and from tonight I will add them to my own. Thank you Laura, namaste.
Hello! Please pray that my anxiety & creative blocks be removed from my life. I need & want to be able to design well & meet my employers expectations. I want to continue to create beautiful designs & make a living to help support myself and my family. Please help me in removing my anxiety & depression from my life & help channel in positive energy that can help spark my creativity.
Please pray that I receive the money to pay for my past due and current bills, that I have the money to move into my own place, and that I receive the money to be able to keep my car, and to take care of myself and my family. Please pray that this darkness is lifted from me.
Hi. My mom is aging quickly. Please cure her macular degeneration (restore her eyesight) and glaucoma, her hearing has gotten worse, her esphagous is giving her trouble with acid reflux and swallowing and her asthma, she has been hallucinating and hearing things, she has a hard time handling any regular responsibilities, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP. Her ADD doesn’t allow for her to think or function normally. I need APS to be out of the picture permanently. I can’t take her locking herself out of the house, telling people her neighbors are knocking on her doors or they are doing things they are not. Please make her stop now, I am her only caregiver and we are not talking right now because I told her to stop the paranoia ways and she hung up will not call or talk to me. I am burnt out. My mom’s house is her castle she is a proud woman and I want her to keep her dignity and pride to stay in her home independently. I need miracles to get her home fixed up specifically her kitchen to be functional as her stovetop doesn’t work, her oven doesn’t work and she needs her cabinets put up and needs a floor. I don’t want her to feel like I am want her in a nursing home because I don’t, I want her to keep her independence more than she does. The IRS has been after her for years please make this debt miraculously disappear now, as I know this is a huge stress on her and me for that matter. My mom is lonely and talks alot about her boyfriend who died. I want health, happiness, laughter, sanity, independence, wealth, prosperity, love and longevity for her. Thank you kindly, sincerely and whole-heartedly I appreciate your prayers! I believe.
Please can you send Manny lots of love, light healing, as he has suffered a stroke that has affected his right side. Thank you so much.
Please help heal my relationship with Wade. I need a miracle that he will talk to me again and explain what has happened. All I want is to be able to talk to him. To work things out. If it can’t be worked out then it can’t but God give us the chance to try. Let Wade contact me and talk.
Please can you send Manny lots of healing prayers as he has suffered a stroke, and really needs the healing prayers. Thank you so much.
Please can you send Manny Leiberman lots of healing prayers, as he has suffered a stroke and really needs them. Thank you so much.
Recently it feels like the fury of hell has been unleashed upon my family. Everything that can go wrong has. My brothers girlfriend split a rift inbetween my parents when she got him back into drinking and eventully kicked out. It completely change him and he suddenly doesnt care about my mom or me or even himself. he only seems to care what he can do for her. That fact he was kicked out would have been hard enough but he ended up fighting with my uncle (where he went to stay) shorty after and was kicked out of there to. Hes now living out of his truck/a tent which is really bad because he already has Alot of health issues incuding breathing problums heart issues and he recent had spine surgury. I talked my mom into letting him back for while (it was scarey when he came in because he was so hungry and sick and tired and dirty.. and thats my dad hes a very proud man and hes a veitnam vet. it was hard to see him like that) but he went right back to my brother girlfriend talking about how awful things where here and it upset her and he got kicked out again. Im so scared hes going to get sick.. or gets drunk and wreck and die, but i just dont think he gets that shes just using him.. id do anything in the world if i could get him to relize that there are still people here that love him and care what happens to him( he has suicidal tendacys especially when hes mad or drunk.. (alot of it from pts from veitnam) i really want him to be safe and happy
Along with that my mom has skin cancer. Tomaro she has a biospy to see if its the aggesive kind which im hoping very much its not, shes already very stressed and upset from everything else going on and i want her to be happy to. Im afraid she might have a stroke or a nervous break down from all the stress that goes with both that and our bills ( which im doing my best to help with but i cant do much)
Im getting older and ill be moving out soon and i dont want her to be alone in this house after all the years with my dad ( about 25, 19 of marriage) she never expected to be alone this late in life out of nowhere. especially at a time like this when she very much needs him. She feels very bad because she took care of him when he had his spine surgury and now she has no one to take care of her, Im really hoping that the sadness and hurt will go away for her and she can be happy again im also hoping that the cancer will clear up and never come back, and that she wont have to do the chemo cream again because it was really hard on her before.
Theres more. My brother and his girlfriend are constantly fighting and bickering over everything and anything quite often right in front of there 3 year old daughter ( shes very beautiful and sweet) who because of this is a nervous wreck. Since she was born the two of them havent really had a solid place to live and raise her properly,
because of her mother being very rude and drinking to much theyve been kicked out of at least 4 places theyve gone to stay with there daughter which cant be good for her either. Im hoping that they can work out somthing where they dont fight as much and they can have a place for the baby to call home.
And finally on top of all this im only 19 years old and im 8 1/2 pregnat with my first child i found out late and sooon after that i was told by my doctor i had to stop working because i devolped alot of problums at once.And the father turns 18 next month and also doesnt have a job im scared my baby wont be healthy because it didnt have alot of prenatal and im scared i wont be able to provide the baby.
1. Please pray for my father, thought id love it if he could come to his senses and say sorry to mom, stop drinking and come home where he belongs, I really just want him to be somewhere where he can be safe, fed, healthy and happy.
2 please pray for my mom who is depressed at the loss of her true love and fighting agaist skin cancer that keeps coming back.
and pray that we can get our bills and lives straighten out.
3 Please pray for my brother and neice so they might have an easier time finding a stable home. And dont have to deal with all the argueing and fighting.
4 Please pray that my baby is born healthy and that i can find a way to get by.
Growth and overflowing financial prosperity/stability for my small business!
Pllease pray my lungs will heal.Been told no help.But with God I know I will be healed.
Please pray for me. I’m disabled, homeless, can’t buy medications, see a doctor or buy food. I have no help and my medical condition has worsen, no insurance at all. My disability has not been approved. Please pray. Thank you.
Many blessings and wishes of good health, wealth, and unexplained miracles
Please pray or mediate for my miracle to obtain a “new” salary comparable job with benefits and great enviroment and people in the place I want to move to in order to be closer to family, friends and have help in caretaking for my elderly parents…in a friendly community/neighborhood. I am doing this all alone with no family around. I wish to have a life of my own, meet someone to share my life with and be able to have my own space….me and the dog. This is the only thing holding me where I am.
Thank You!
Please can you send Manny lots of healing and prayers as he has suffered a stroke that has affected his right side of his body. Thank you so much.
I have severe nerve damage in my extremities and it’s extremely painful, more so on bad weather days. I ask for prayers that my nerve damage heals and I become pain free. I would love to go ack to work.
I also am working on my mediumship and I ask for prayers to help me open up well and be able to have all my senses working perfectly. I’m not sure if its my meds or a type of blockage that stops me from helping others. I truly want to help others heal and also teach about life after death.
My youngest daughter experiences depression and severe anxiety and I ask for prayers to help her find her way and be extremely happy. Thank you
2 Find my glasses
2 Heal my Husband Larry of his E. D., motorcycle injuries, & Depression. 2 Heal my Oldest Daughter Chris of her Epilepsy, sinus/tension/migraine headaches, & her allergies. 2 Heal my Youngest Daughter Stacy’s Husband of the reasons he Has a battery that he Has 2 Get replaced every 5 years. 2 Heal my Daughter Stacy’s thyroid, & Keep her Palsy from settling in her hips as she Gets Older. 2 Keep my Aunt Camilla’s Cancer in remission. 2 Open up my chakra’s 2 Heal my “Past” Lives!!
I pray that my clairvoyance and spiritual understanding fully opens up, along with my clairaudience where I can serve others for the highest good, so be it!
Please pray for my health (Overall physical well-being) & that with the help of my Spirit Guides, I find the path that is best for me (In my Personal & Professional life) Most importantly, I ask that you pray for the well being & health of my loved ones; Jose, Angela, Noelia & Fabian. Love, Light & Blessings to you all! ~Brianna Perez :-) <3
I pray that my heart chakra is opened where I can hear and see my guides again.
family members are still pulling on me from the other side and want me to choose the path that they are on.
I really would like to receive help to become grounded to my body and in the hear-and-now, because the angels are telling me that I have made quite a few enemies on the other side in that when I am asleep, I will astral project into other lifetimes and have unfortunately had my past enemies follow me into the here-and-now Sincerely Larry
Please pray for my husband Harry & I, that we may heal our relationship & find ourselves back together with love, understanding, forgiveness, & open hearts to each other.
My father Rev. Carl , had a sever stroke today I am asking for extra prayers for healing. Thank you God bless
Please pray for my dear friend Kim Larosa who is in a severe state of depression after losing her husband in 2008 and her son December 2012.
Thank you and may God bless!
Hi Laura,
Please pray for me. I am looking for an opportunity with my dream company. Please pray. I am in desperate need for this job now.
I also want you to pray for me to god to bring my loved one back to me and unite us.
Please please pray for me. Your prayers are heard up above and please ask god to give me a new life. A happy life where my happiness is meaningful.
God bless you always.
I dont mean to sound self serving.Thing is i need chakra Healing.From my understanding they are all closed and this is why I have such bad luck.all so body healing.IM always in pain.there are maybe to many things in me that need healing I think.but the bad luck in my life is the biggest thing.thank you and bless you..
I need prayer for my faith to be restored an to help heal me of awful stomach pains that have been plaguing me, thanks to you all an God Bless your house!!
Please pray for a miracle, as I certainly need it.
I have an almost 3 year old daughter, who i’ve not seen as we split before she was born, I have not had any contact, nothing. I tried to take this to court, and got ignored, I dropped the case, as I felt that God was saying I shouldn’t take this to court. THing is, I have prayed and prayed, and am still no nearer, I feel like God is ignoring me, people tell me that God doesn’t want families apart, in which case, why am i apart from my daughter?
Please pray for a miracle healing for my fiance’ who has cancer. Thank you and God Bless you.
need a miracle to find this little one and bring him home
Healing, Guidance and Instruction. My life is stuck in a whirlwind of uncertainty. My body is failing me slowly and for financial reason I can’t do anything about it.
I need prayers for my financial situation…I have applied for temporary disability and I need help to recieve it. They are creating problems giving it to me. its been many months delayed. Also, Need help with my settlement coming thru and it be large enough to live the rest of my life comfortabley. Thank you
I ask that you pray for my finances , so I may provide the neccessities of life for my self and my child.I would like enough abundance to aid those that are also suffering and assist them,
I ask the the angels and archangels that surround me assist in this financial healing.I ask that this be done in the accordance with the holy will of God the Father and the Son.
Im gratful to you and may blessing rain upon you for this.Thank you , Thank You Thank You
Please pray for me finances so I can provide the necessities of my for myself.
Also to have enough abundance to assist and help others along their journey.
I ask the I be rewarded a financial increase and that the angel and archangel assist you in your prayer for me. Im grateful and I ask that this be done in the accordance with the holy will of God the father and the son.
Im grateful for the healing…thank you…thank you…thank you
I just ended a 20 year battle with a chronic illness. After my illness ended I was diagnosed with a mild form of autism. I was trained as a reiki practitioner and do reiki for people from my home. (distance reiki). I would like prayers that if I’m to find a paying job outside of the house it happens soon or if I’m to continue to work at home. I get a substatial income from it. I only make 10 dollars a week now if that. I would also like prayers I find a significant other soon that would be very accpeting of my situation. :-)
Please heal Loryn to robust health again!
Please pray for Samantha Matton to make a full recovery from the devastating effects of psychiatric medicine she is suicidal and her health has deteriorated badly.
my 12 year old granddaughter lizette needs help now please pray for her amen kim
Hello. Thank you for this lovely opportunity to reach out for prayer – and to offer prayer to all. As so many others, I seek financial relief – I’ve applied for a job that is a better situation for me than what I am currently in, and pays better. I pray for and ask for prayers for this or something better. Thank you, thank you, thank you – and many blessings to all!
Thank you!! My prayer is for my ex boyfriend eddie and i to get back togetherand have the love we still have for each other sfter all these years
A miracle prayer is needed for my husband John, please give him all the abundance and prosperity he needs to feel good about himself again. He has had to rely alot on me and as a man this is hard for him. He has had a few bad years.
please pray for me overcome all my financial difficultys& that i will be able to repay everyone im in debt to,& so that my business will thrive &survive &also that my health will keep going
Total healing for my son Raymond Victor, who is a toe walker and has a ventricular septal defect in his heart. I also pray that my relationship with him would also strengthen
Restore realatiinship daniel that he love me remove rebound female let me not be ashame but that he ashame hiself need possitive energy and bad negatuve removed calls me think of me make wrong rite
I’m wanting a healing to clear blocks, traumas, fears, anger, feelings of not being seen, heard, supported, loved, appreciated, safe, honored to step into my life purpose whatever that maybe with love, ease & joy…..and so it is
I EDDIE REALLY NEED A MIRACLE TO HAPPEN as i started a new business & work has gone slow i have a lot of debts &i am worried i wont be able to pay them & keep the business going please please help me as i do pray daily
I pray that i get abundance of money to get out of all the financial mess i am facing today. I also pray that i get married soon to a right guy and that too thro a proposal bought thro my elder brother. I wish it soon comes in his mind and he takes over my responsibility to get my marriage to a right guy. Amen
Please pray for me to get my family back! I want my husbands forgiveness for doing a terrible thing to him. I also need prayer for forgiving myself, and for getting me out of a financial mess.
Hi Jancie,
Thank you so much for your feedback. Made my day!
Thank you for helping me to get my lovely partner back in my life. I am so blessed that you used a non forceful way of uniting and reuniting us. Our past, presence and future seems to have all merged into one. (Dr Ekaka) ekakaspelltemple@yahoo.com You told me that everyone has a compatible soul mate whether in their life or waiting to come into their lives. I am glad its my partner of old. I did not want to really go and be with someone else.. You have removed the extra baggage that has been affecting us and holding us back. Peace to you.
please pray for me to rid of my depression,anxieties,obsessions with having to be in control,to learn to love myself and enjoy life once again…
I am asking happiness and peace of mind for my parents, my loving souls,My in-laws,My relatives and friends.I wish to contribute to the welfare of the world through my Rotary and self initiatives.I pray for the well being of all the animate and in-animate of the universe.I surrrender to God to guide me and be with me always!
Dear holy and lovable all,
I am facing terrible agony in being separated from my wife Jayavardhini and Daughter Devashree! My wife has left me as she was angry with me.I am unable to be in touch with them and not allowed to in anyway by her parents.I request forgiveness to her but this punishment is unbearable.The little one has committed no sin to undergo this!It has been more than a month and I want to see them,hug them and take care of them with all my love henceforth.Dear souls please bring the divine healing light into our relationships and we must be united happily and permanently with all of your blessings!You will be breathing life into us and saving a wonderful family!
My deepest thanks and heartfelt prayers – Jothiramalingam
I ask that you pray for my father James aka Bart, that he gets a job and that the stress of all of his obligations both financially & responsibilities do not cause him health issues. I pray for my sister Ashley who has had a destructive year with getting into hard drugs & the downfall that follows that lifestyle. I pray she can become the best mother she can and get a job. I pray she does not relapse and will stay clean. I pray for my mother marylynn and for her depression.
please pray for me i am in an busive relationship and need a financial blessing to get my daugther and myself out
I am asking for prayer for my family to receive the money we need to move out of our current home by end of August. Also, to be financially abundant so that we can focus on doing what we were put here to do, as well as being the best parents to our baby. The situation seems like there is no hope in sight. We may get evicted. We need a miracle.Thank you.
I am asking our Cosmic Christ, St. Germain, the Ascended Masters and all of the angels in heaven, to help me become a lightworker and to walk on my given path of destiny to help heal those that are sick, to comfort those that need comforting and to assist our world in projecting a beacon of hope. You have done so much for myself ad my family. I know I am hear for a purpose, I am asking for guidence into my truth as much as possible on this path to help others like you have helped me find love and light and show me WE are not ever alone. thank you God, Jesus, and all of the universe amen.
I ask for prayer and miracles in my life to be able to have financial abundance so that I may take the courses and certifications I am interested in for my career path and to be able to travel doing charity work all over…I also ask for prayer to write and publish my life story in an amazing book and to heal myself in body and mind and truly awaken spiritually. Thank you.
I’m sending healing prayers to my beloved best friend. I am so devoted to him but he needs to find his own way. I’m asking for prayers for myself to blossom in my path to a lucrative fulfilling career allowing me to be debt free, financially prosperous and the best mother I can be. I am asking God, the universe and all powers to help me be honest and kind to my self physically emotionally and spiritually. To set myself free so I can offer my gifts to the world. THANK YOU
Thank you for sending healing thoughts and prayer to Ellen S who is recovering from breast cancer.
This entry is to cover all individuals who have made a prayer request of me but did not enter it here from the past and into the future.
Laura Mendelsohn
I thank you Source for my new life with my Twin Flame. I am so exited about it.
I thank you also for my son’ s release from all struggles in what ever way it looks like.
Please pray for Andrew, a young husband and father who is now extremely ill. A strep B virus has attacked his bloodstream and is in his lungs. His organs started to shut down and he is now in the hospital in an induced-coma. Thank you.
My prayer to the universe is provide opportunity and my willingness and ability to manifest a career allowing me to evolve to my highest good and earn a lucrative income so my children and I live comfortably and enjoy prosperity peace and abundance. Please also pray for my sister to heal and be free from suffering from tumor in her brain. Finally I pray for my beloved to be free from the pain and discomfort he suffers due to neurological disease. I pray he is free to live fully and know love. God bless all of you. Thank you for sharing this beautiful space.
Thank you Karen for your wonderful feedback. He is in my prayers still. Laura
My cousin was recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer. He is at this moment having radioactive cancer therapy. His prognosis is excellent! But there have been so many miracles arising from this situation! Please continue to pray for him and my aunt since it is difficult for her as a mother to see her son go through this! Thank you mother father god for this miracle!
I am looking for a miracle to change my life around, I have been working so hard at accomplishing my goals and it seems it is just further away. I am asking for intervention from the Universe to show me my truth and my way in life, for I am too old to waste anymore time. An so it is.
Please pray for my family – so much bad has happened, we need GOOD, POSITIVE things to happen – please especially pray for my son and his father – that they are able to get out of the mess they are in, and everything goes in their favor. Many thanks, In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Hi Laura…
Meeting you has been a HUGE gift for so many reasons. I am trying to approach my new relationship from a different more evolved mind but old habits die hard. I really think this one could be my “forever” partner but just pray for the guidance to see the bumps and work through them from a place of love and not desperation and or insecurity. There are moments when I am 100% sure and moments when I’m 100% not. I guess I am asking for balance and clarity.
Thank you in advance for sharing your gifts with me and to so many…
Please don’t consider me shallow…I would like to ask for miracle prayer for winning money…I am blessed with health and great family. I do help to support many people arround me and it would be even better if some large amount of money come through lottery so I can share even more with ones that in need. There so much I could do if I have more ;-)
I see that people pray for health and it is most important thing in the world. Everyday I say my gratitude about my health and tell my body that I love it.
May God bless you all and give all you need and desire
Hi Inna, This is Laura, the author of this blog. I will pray that you receive true abundance, which is discovery of your gifts and use of them in lucrative service to others. If winning the lottery is this, then it will happen. Otherwise, you will be led to your lucrative and productive service on earth. God bless, Laura
Please pray for my mom Mira H who is older and alone , in need f God’s grace. Als please pray for my longtime friend Toni Cantrell that she learns to love herself , and t let go and let God so her MS can g into remission.
God Bless You
Prayers for me to obtain peace and love in my close personal relationships…….assist me with finding my true love. Seeking the best in others and myself. Praying that I will increase my financial position in order to continue to support myself and children without undue stress. Please send me love, peace, patience and contentment. Looking for passion and balance in all areas of my life! help me to appreciate all and give back as much as possible…..
Heal A. H. and R. H., so they reach their potential, become peaceful and healthy individuals.
Please pray for my friend who has stage 1V Lung cancer which has entered her brain barrier. She is young and does not want to die. Has much to live for.
Please pray for my daughter’s father-in-law who has bladder cancer and just had his spleen removed.
I would like to see miracles happen if they can.
Thank you.
I’m reaching out to as many people as I can to pray for Mark in L.A. (the Lord knows which Mark). He is very, very ill and the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him. The prognosis doesn’t look good and if the Lord wants to take him home, then that’s what will happen, but if not, Mark needs as many prayers as he can get right now. Please help if you can,
Thank you so very much
Request came in through email from a friend to me, so I placed it here.
Please pray for my friend Darlene’s husband . She is one of my oldest friends from grade school and he is a doctor and has come down with this rare leukemia. We need a prayer chain that MD Anderson will have some clinical trial that they can try on him. He is my age. Thank you so much everyone.
please help me
please pray for my financial needs please help me
Please pray for my best friend Feliza Gabertab that her illness would be cure as possible.
I would love prayers I have been trying to conceive since august of 2005 and have had reiki healings, theta healings, quatumn touch healings to help with healing my blocked fallopian tubes and I also have pcos polycystic ovarian syndrome. Thank you so much for letting me join on this prayer list…god bless
To Ronelle Polon
While I was pregant I also had a hyper sensitivity to smell. It was like everything smelled 5,000 times stronger. I could smell things that normallly didn’t smell at all. My doctor said it was caused by a hormone imbalance. Maybe this could be what’s going on with you.
Sending you love and wishing you a speedy, complete state of joy in your recovery.
For more than 10 years I’ve been suffering from some kind of smell hyper sensitivity.I tried with the doctors but no one here in my location seems to know anything about my illness.It’s been difficult for me and for my family to adjust since almost everything around us are loaded with any kind of smell and odor.I used to be a cheerful person but now everything is changed.For all this years I’ve been waiting for a miracle,praying and wishing that someday everything will come back to normal..please pray for me…
Please pray for my breakthrough in doing my Life’s Work, my creativity. Stepping into abundance in every area of my life so that I continue to be a blessing and a support to others all over the planet.
Please pray for the physical,mental, and spirtual healing of my son Jeremy. Pray for healing his alcohol and substance addictions,also for protection from harm. Pray for our financial abundance and the health of me and my family.
Heal Linda G after loss.
Provide Daniel (Rebecca’s boyfriend) Visa to stay in US and continue his studies.
Heal Angela’s relationship with Kevin.
Provide Barbara S., victim of spousal abuse, protection from unjust incarceration and her family with justice.
to receive,obtain,attract,manifest and have $3,000.00 cash or more in my physical possession now for the highest good of all concerned
I ask for prayer to help me attend and complete the Decoding the Unifying Molecule and Quantum Clairvoyance workshops in Vancouver, BC on September 23-25, 2011
Provide M. A. L. healthy self esteem and identity. Heal him emotionally completely.
Prayer for me to leave where I am living as it is a hopeless and depressing situation..To move I greatly need money so I need to havea bundance and prosperity..To be financially secure for the rest of my life..Thank you
Prayer for me to leave where I am living as it is a hopeless and depressing situation..To move I greatly need money so I need to havea bundance and prosperity..To be financially secure for the rest of my life..Thank you
I pray for financial abundance for myself and family. So I am able to do greater things for many causes in my life. I also prayer for money to be able to pay for the courses close to my heart and to be financially secure for the rest of my like Thank You
E. M.’s son, J. M. get better self esteem, heal emotionally and physically.
Need immediate financial miracle for bills and my daughters immediate needs
I need prayer to improve my health and finances.
Please pray for my best friend’s mom Beth who is in ICU with critical condition of the heart and kidney faliure. We all praying and asking you to join us as well. Thank you and God Bless!
All my clients are by default on the miracle prayer list for healing and help in all areas of their lives.
Hi Beverly and HeatherFeather and Diane, every morning I pray for those on this list. You are now included. God bless,
Please pray for Sherri’s son, that he may be healed of cancer.
please pray for my son to be delivered from mental oppression, and also to find a good paying job. Also pray for me to get a good paying job or a work at home job with good benefits. Also pray for financial increase and wisdom, knowledge, spirtual guidance,and more clairvoyance.
Prayer for a place to live with great positive energy from the light as well as a job and transportation…. to become better at meditating and yearling my spirit guides and angels speak to me…. to become one with source and learn the lessons my soul cane to earth to learn. Lift and love, heather
I ask for healing of limited belief regarding prosperity in all
areas of my life.
Pray for Marypaz healing from cancer.
Healing for a friend of mine who is addicted to alcohol. He most recently had a vision that his children were attending his funeral. Only 35 and this addiction has taken over his life. TY, Laura.
please pray for my autistic granddaughter’s brain to continue healing and please send her and my daughter healing, loving thoughts for their mother-daughter relationship. For myself i would like help manifesting selling my condo to be able to move back home to be with my family. Thank you for your help, I will pray for all of you.
I need your help to pray for me that my boyfriend will truly love me and not make a fool out of me. Im not really desperate I just want him to love me and accept me for who Iam.
Please send loving thoughts of light love and healing to Anu Amin. He’s a 34 year old young man that had the most severe type of heart attack a person can have. He needs all the loving thoughts he can get! =)
PS Love healing for us all from past relationships, and for the love that we seek, if it is in our highest good, to come into our life in some form!
Inner and outer healing for myself, my family, and friends. Please help us all awaken to the Divine and conduct our lives in ways that will lead to the “highest good” outcome, along with discipline, motivation, and understanding. Please pray for us to have strength and acknowledge and resolve our emotional issues, so that they may not manifest themselves physically. And for all of us who have issues with food, to be able to resolve and release those issues so that we may put forth our best selves in order to better others. Thank you, Laura!!!!
Helping and healing others in the metaphysical realm while enjoying success and abundance for both of us as individuals and partners. Thank you Laura! You are always in my prayer also.
E-healing for me.
Lisa O’Daniel’s sister – healing.