SPIRIT COMMUNICATIONS: The Grandmother In Spirit Proves SPIRIT IS REAL! If you ever wonder how real spirit is read this story. I was shocked at how real the experience was.
This week I yelled out, “OH WOW!” during a mediumship session. Then I paused and reflected loudly, “Spirit is REAL! See how real spirit is!!!?”
The sitter, a granddaughter on earth, sat there watching me. She had no appreciation of what had just happened.
I felt like Whoopi Goldberg in the movie “Ghost,” when Whoopi discovered the spirits that were appearing to her were real, VERY REAL.
That night I felt a bit frightened for a moment. I live alone and the house was quiet. I started to remember the session earlier and wondered if anyone from spirit would appear before me.
I HAVE NEVER BEEN FRIGHTENED OF SPIRIT BEFORE (except as a child), but the sessions are becoming so real lately, I am starting to get spooked.

This session which had so shocked me was with a grandmother in spirit who told her granddaughter (sitter) that she should take back her estranged boyfriend, that she should marry him, that he will be a good match for her, etc.
Mind you I had no knowledge of any of this beforehand.
The grandmother went on and on as I sat there conveying the message dutifully, but also realizing this is an awful lot of information which has not yet been validated by the sitter.
Finally I asked the granddaughter if she understood these messages, was she having this experience with a man and was she wanting this direction.
The granddaughter said, “YES.”
After I yelled out “OH WOW!” I realized as the medium I am supposed to expect such specificity and evidence.
To be clear, the other side comes in all the time with a lot of clear, validated evidence, much of it “off the wall” surprising, but this time I had a soul in spirit have a complete, detailed conversation with a sitter as if they were at the kitchen table and I was a fly on the wall observing it.
This is why I am pounding the table to say to you very loudly, “SPIRIT IS REAL!” It is not to be forgotten or overlooked.
In our daily existence we forget, even I forget, how real spirit is. We are focused on the physical world.
So it is only natural to forget, doubt and reject the notion that lives go on after the physical is gone.
I must shout it out again to any who will listen.
Spirit Medium Laura