RETIRE EARLY: Drive Your Thrive. Did you ever stop and wonder, “Why am I doing this?”
I did. In my early twenties I started questioning the very fiber of our materialistic society.
You go to school. This required an entire day of hours, most of which was spent getting dressed, commuting, moving from class to class or subject to subject.
“How much time did I actually spend in learning,” I would think as I settled down to do my four hours of homework, after spending an entire day focused on school.
But that was where my questioning ended. I was like a puppy being trained to fetch the ball to get a treat.
I hated the institution of school, but sought the rewards it was supposed to bring.
As life continued each new form society had presented for me to fit within became less and less comfortable until I felt like the protagonist of the book and movie, “The Man in the Iron Mask.”
Taken from, “Deep inside the dreaded Bastille, a young prisoner has languished, his face hidden from all, for eight long years. He knows neither his true identity nor the crime that got him there.”

I felt forced to live within a society that doted out rewards of accolade, attention and attainment if I jumped higher for the ball.
I was living inauthentically so I could be what society calls the success of money, fame, looks, material possessions, etc.
How many of you pursue these goals and end up feeling empty inside?
This is not just you!
There are various movements happening now in society which reflect this emptiness.
I mentioned one in last week’s article, Nomadland: How to be Rich Without Money.
To summarize, there is a growing aspect of the western society checking out of consumerism and into a frugal lifestyle, which rewards those that follow it in various ways.
You spend less on overhead, because you have lowered your financial footprint with frugality. Perhaps this had led to your living in a tiny house or a smaller home on wheels.
You travel and see the real world of nature, to places you might have only seen in movies.
Perhaps you do not travel, but rather live simply so you can do work you find meaningful at the pace you set for yourself.
You feel authentic, free and alive!
The Retire Early lifestyle requires you save as much of the highest paying income you can make, while lowering and lowering your overhead until finally you reach that retirement number.
When you get a raise, you save it instead of spend it until you create a nest egg large enough to support yourself for the rest of your life.
Using manifesting principles based on this deep drive within myself to retire early, I was led to a book called, “Cashing in on the American Dream: How to Retire at 35″ by Paul Terhorst,” now out of print.
This book was my bible for a few years until I landed a job with Microsoft Corporation where employees were becoming millionaires.
I used manifesting techniques outlined in the book, “Creating Money,” by Sanaya Roman I found and got this job.

I went in this direction before there was the FIRE Movement happening today.
The movie, “Playing With Fire,” documents this movement and how to attain early retirement yourself.
Here is link to trailer “Playing With Fire.”
Here is a link to the book, “Playing With Fire.”

Living the life that calls to you is your soul’s plan. It is your roadmap to joy, bliss, healing, happiness and material wealth.
Living in the mask of mindless consumerism is your road to hell.
Make your choice.
The most successful people in the world do not work for money.
They work for the expression of their vision, their service, their purpose.
What is your vision? Find your authentic voice to drive your thrive!
Spirit Medium Laura