Why is finding your purpose so important? Your success in life depends on knowing and fulfilling your life purpose.
A Little Story Explains Why Finding Your Purpose Is So Important
The other day I had a client who was trying to get ahead in her career. She had invested a lot of time and money in going back to school to get credentials in an area of interest to her.
However, as she went about looking for an internship to complete her degree, she found all avenues blocked.
As I was asked to help, I sought answers through my clairvoyant psychic gift. I kept looking around literally on a mental map of her geography to see what spirit would send to me.
Finally, I saw in the faintest way, a picture of someone in a wheelchair in a healing facility for substance abuse.

The irony of this lead was, that she had avoided looking into this type of work as she had an emotional scar surrounding it.
She could apply her education in many areas, but this one area spirit suggested was the area she had avoided.
By the end of the session we realized the “why” behind her resistance, and the correct path forward for her prosperity.
It would take guts and lots of healing to journey this path, but spirit revealed how her prosperity depended on it.
Our Biggest Problem is Our Biggest Prosperity – This Is Why Finding Your Purpose Is So Important
As I have said many times our biggest life problem turns out to be our biggest prosperity. As souls, we plan this before birth to evolve from it.
If we stop resisting the problem, but rather embrace it, we find our prosperity takes root and blossoms.
Take a look at your own life.
What do you want? What are you desiring to accomplish?
Behind this dream is your biggest life problem. This problem when embraced then shifts your destiny to realize your prosperity.

How Problems Create Prosperity
My biggest life problem was I stuffed “me” to make money. I sought self esteem by being something externally successful, but not true to my self.
Strangely enough all the money I made this way, dissipated, leaving me to rely on my true self to climb back to a new form of prosperity.
Prosperity that resulted from expression of gifts.
The theme of this story is too perfect to ignore.
We all have a big problem each life time. When you stop fighting your problem, but rather embrace it, your experience begins to shift.

What Are You Avoiding?
I invite you to take some time to contemplate your journey in life. Are you avoiding doing something because it is steeped in negativity for you?
Maybe you are frightened what others would say about you.
Perhaps you feel that choice would make you vulnerable financially.
Possibly that big thing that controls you, seems like an addiction, so emotionally embroiled you have become in it.
Whatever that obstacle is, if embraced, will start leading you to a path of little and huge miracles.
This is similar to a 12 Step Program, but there are only four steps. When we remain stuck, frightened to live our dream, we are living in an addictive mind set.
When we let go and let God, we find things begin to flow magically in our existence.

This is called Soul Abundance. Here are the steps.
- Let Go, Let God. What we resist persists.
- Open a dialogue with your soul. Your soul desires are your powerful purpose.
- Visualize these desires. Align your vibration with them.
- Engage the GOD flow (guidance, opportunities and destiny). This emerges when the first 3 steps are implemented.
Spirit Medium Laura