Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning. I have a severe congenital condition called spondylolisthesis (pronounced spohn-di-low-less-THEE-sis).
This is the first article in this series.
- Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation Results
- The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
- Remove Blocks to Manifest Love
- Manifestation Techniques for Love
My “Negative” Back Condition – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
The word spondylolisthesis (pronounced spohn-di-low-less-THEE-sis) comes from the Greek words spondylos, which means “spine” or “vertebra,” and listhesis, which means “slipping, sliding or movement.”Aug 7, 2020. Spondylolisthesis: What is It, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
It is a condition in which the lowest vertebrae of the sacrum part of the spine, L5, is slipping off the coccyx bone. It can be extremely painful and debilitating, even affecting mobility.
The coccyx bone lays below the sacrum, supporting it.
While I have managed with physical therapy this condition most of my life quite successfully, living pain free and exploring many dance related hobbies, today I am in severe pain.
I know it is because my psycho-spiritual body is in a knot.
I have had one unfortunate experience after another most related to survival issues like money.
The back pain means I am being challenged to evolve beyond issues of scarcity to abundance. This seems to be a soul plan “setup” as it is a congential condition.

The Halloween Accident – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
One I will speak about is falling on a cruise I was on in October 2021. On Halloween, the second day of the cruise, I fell in the shower.
I broke 6 ribs, some in several places, with internal bleeding and fluid in the lungs.
I survived of course, but this fall has left me with a cosmetic defect. My spine is crooked in the middle, with a protrusion of my right shoulder blade, and a induction of the left blade.
This happened right after I had worked on my spine for a long time to erase a scoliosis I had before.
I was right at the point I felt I had through exercise eliminated most of the scoliosis! This is something a traditional doctor would say is not possible without an operation.
But when I went on that cruise I was almost completely symmetrical and straight.

Evil Spirits? Ha Ha – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
Then the fall in the shower on Halloween happened. It seemed almost like an evil spirit was after me.
I think about this often especially when something else happens to me which seems unfortunate. I wonder why these negative things happened to me.
I believe there are troubled spirits, however, these so called ghosts cannot attach or attract to you if you are emotionally healthy.
So why did I create this experience? What is in it at a deep, akashic, ancestral level for me to “get”?
Why did I choose to experience spondylolisthesis? Why did I create it?
When I ask these questions I mean, “Why did my soul choose to experience this on the earth plane of existence?”
When I explore these types of conditions with clients it is always in this context.
When we go deeper, we get answers and solutions.
In psycho-spiritual sessions we go as deep as we need for that session, with the help of your spiritual guides, to get the answers.
The answers are always crystal clear, create cathartic closure, and energy shifts.

Negative Experiences Are There for Evolving – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
So today I was made aware of deep pain in my lower spine after doing physical therapy for my back.
I realized these conditions are there to teach me to overcome fear of scarcity. To evolve to healing and to find closure for any blocks I might house within my subconscious.
I know this is a somewhat general answer, as you might desire I drill down to details. However, the theme is the thing, not the details.
Every single physical illness or experience is the product of your soul desiring to evolve from fear to love, from not having to having.
[Book your private session with Spirit through Laura at www.BookLaura.com.]
So I am being challenged to find some way to express divine intelligence in all that I do. I am being prompted to know there is no lack on an objective level.

There are no demons. There is no bad luck. – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
There is only thought, our thought and how it brings about the opportunity to create physical experience.
If you do not feel deserving on any level of having your deepest dreams come into reality, you are suffering from a thought deficiency.
Taking care of what you think, what you project, how you feel about yourself, is integral to your evolving from fear to love.
So today I invite you to take inventory of your reality. What are you experiencing around you?
Is it a high level of material success, professional recognition, deep, passionate love in family and partnership?
Or is it a deficiency in any of these categories?
The vitamin to remedy this is LOVE.
How do you take a LOVE vitamin?
With thought.

Steps to Create Your Reality – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
Take inventory of your life. What do you want more of? Less of? It helps to write this down.
Create a spiritual gym in your house. This is the place you train your thoughts to produce new reality for you. It can be a vision board, an altar meditation space or the entire house using Feng Shui. Maybe all of the above.
Find things that symbolize your ideal life. Perhaps it is marriage to a love partner. Find objects to place out in your spiritual gym to view daily which represent this.
Go into your spiritual gym daily and view the objects that symbolize your ideal life. For example if you are wanting marriage you might have there a picture of a wedding ring, a marriage ceremony or something similar.

The Power of Ritual
Perhaps creating a ritual could help in this process like writing what you want on a piece of paper then burning it to release it to the creative energy matrix. Ritual can support you in your spiritual gym.
Go out and play. Forget the gym. Live. Breathe. Follow your joy every day in every way.
Follow your intuition. Soon your subconscious will be leading you to take action. These actions will help birth into 3D the objects you have in your gym.

Negative is Positive – Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
Be aware of negative experiences that crop up like back pain, accidents, arguments, set backs, jealousy, loss and so on. They symbolize areas in your subconscious that are ready for release.
They are not punishment, evil spirits, bad luck or any other negative mojo!
They are your blessings!
The more negativity you experience the more you are ready to release and evolve.
As a matter of fact, if you are experiencing “bad luck,” it is because your subconscious is raring to go! When you are ready to evolve from fear to love, the amount of set backs goes up and increases!

Create Your Heaven on Earth
We are on earth to create our own heaven, whatever that is for each of us. Negative experiences are there as our training, like weights in the gym of life.
Study the Soul Abundance material to learn how to release karma and evolve to love HERE.
Embrace each pain of misfortune as your pearl of prosperity.
You are a creator, my friend. Know it today!
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