Clear Money Blocks Meditation. This article provides a pathway to powerful prosperity with guided thought and meditation.
We will start with an exploration into the cause of money blocks. Then we will clear it by using illness in the body.
This is the second article in this series.
- Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation Results
- The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
- Remove Blocks to Manifest Love
- Manifestation Techniques for Love
Introduction to Clear Money Blocks Meditation
This morning I awoke choking in a realization. I am blocked in the area of money!
Never before did I ever think this of myself. I always thought I was so abundant.
However this morning I was telling myself I was blocked in the area of money.
So I chose to explore this to its depth, as spirit would always have me do, as this is my purpose on earth. I am here to explore dysfunction so I may share its unraveling with you.
So not unexpectedly after exploring this , I had some major realizations.
I realized I have more than enough money. My fear of not having enough money was something deeper. Read on to learn more.
I believe many people think they do not have enough money, even though they may live in luxurious circumstances.
I know a man who makes over $6,000 a month in passive income, yet he is always broke.
- He drives a new black Audi convertible sports car.
- He lives live on the ocean in a condominium with a view.
- He wears only the best clothes.
- He goes out regularly for luxurious high end entertainment.
If this is you, pay attention. Our media is geared to create a consumer mind, appetite and habit.
Do you really need everything you think you need? Probably not.
Do you really need a dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air conditioning, 3,000 square foot residence, shiny new car, etc.?
I wager we all could live well with less. I also wager we could be a lot more peaceful if we realized this.
The problem is not enough money.

The Problem Is Fear of Not Being Worthy – Clear Money Blocks Meditation
I would postulate that feeling worthy is probably the biggest issue all of us humans have in this physical universe.
If you can get your worthiness right, all prosperity for you will fall into place like a beautiful waterfall sparkling rainbows of light.
You might even begin to believe you have more than enough money!
So how do you overcome this? A good start is to recognize the situation. Then engage in healing activities such as the guided light meditation below.

Physical Illness Reflects Abundance Blocks – Clear Money Blocks Meditation
As I prepared to channel this meditation I had another realization. Our worthiness is reflected in our health or lack thereof!
If you find your physical illness you have found your money block. By focusing on healing the illness you are clearing your money blocks!

Clear the illness, access the abundance
So the first part of the meditation will guide you to find that place where you have illness. Then you will be led to visualize various light formations for self healing.
After I did this I felt immediate relief in the area in my body this worthiness issue is chronically housed.
My needed healing is housed in my lower spine. The lower spine is the root chakra. The root chakra usually will house lack, scarcity and insecurity.
I wrote an article about this recently located HERE.

Clear Money Blocks Meditation
Read entire meditation through once to prepare before doing it.
The steps do not have to be done exactly as is here. This is an intuitive exercise. You can use your feelings to guide you to choose other colors and the way you visualize the light in your body.
The more you use your intuition, the better the effect of healing will be.
The elements which need to be included are
- what life issue you are healing
- where this expressed in your body
- what colors you are using
- always start with a white light clearing.
Other than this you can use your intuition to alter for your needs.
Today I did this meditation for worthiness and love. I saw the color indigo which I was inspired to channel into my lower spine.
Indigo means past life issues. So I was healing them.
You see, this is your meditation to do in any way you see fit.
Use the Chakra colors for your definitions of each color to choose.
Find a comfortable location where you can lie back and not be interrupted like a bed, hammock or recliner.
You might want to play some soft meditation music.
Uncross your arms and legs as you begin to breath deeply from your abdomen. Enjoy each nourishing breath you take.
Think about the issues you have around money, how frustrated you are to find a solution, how many times you have tried to find a way out and now how motivated you are to release these blocks and move beyond them.
Spend a few moments on this.
Now move your consciousness to an area of your body where you have been having health issues. It could be your entire body, it could be one place like a hurting joint or back issue or it could be your stomach.
You may not feel anything but know you have an illness there. Perhaps you have thyroid disease, so you would bring your attention to your thyroid.
If the illness is over the entire body, bring your attention to your entire body.
We will use three different light frequencies. Light meditation is very powerful for healing.
White, yellow, then light pink.
Imagine a ball of white light below your feet.
It feels vibrant, clearing and knowing. It feels like the eyes of a higher power are vacuuming out all negativity housed within your frame.
Imagine this white light is traveling through the bottom of your feet, then slowly traveling up each leg, through the torso, neck and head out through the crown.
Now enjoy this light as it sits in the area you need healing. If it is your entire body than imagine it lingers throughout your entire body.
See the white light sit there to the count of three while it does its healing work.
You have just cleared your energy system readying it to receive new programming.
Now imagine a ball of yellow light below your feet.
It feels calming, wise and welcoming. It feels like the gentle hands of angels are massaging your tissues to health.
Imagine it now enters the bottom of your feet, slowly traveling up through each leg to your groin.
See this light travel through your groin, torso, throat and head, sending its healing frequency.
Now enjoy this light as it sits in the area you need healing. If it is your entire body than imagine it lingers throughout your entire body.
See the yellow light sit there to the count of three while it does its healing work.
Now imagine below your feet a ball of vibrant pink light. This is the light of unconditional love.
It feels like you are being rocked in the arms of a higher power gently nurturing, welcoming and loving you without condition.
Imagine it is traveling into your body from your feet up through your legs, groin, torso, neck and head and out through the crown.
Now enjoy this light as it sits in the area you need healing. If it is your entire body than imagine it lingers throughout your entire body.
See this pink light sit there to the count of three while it does its healing work.
Amplification. We will now amplify the healing with a selective repeat of what was done above.
Move your consciousness to an area of your body where you have been having health issues. It could be everywhere as in feeling exhausted, it could be one place like a hurting joint or spinal issue or it could be a sourness in your stomach, heaviness in your abdomen or simply knowledge that this area is not well.
Go where the discomfort or issue is now.
Imagine white light is being beamed into this location where you feel pain or discomfort.
If it is your entire body then send it there.
Have the light sit in this area a bit. We will hold it there for a brief moment.
Feel the light cooling, calming and clearing your physical imbalance to the count of three.
Now we will go on to the next light which is yellow. Yellow stands for the solar plexus, which is your sense of self, worthiness and self esteem. It feels energizing and calming.
Imagine a ball of sparkling yellow light. Beam it into the location of your illness.
Let it sit there for a few moments clearing, calming and balancing this area. Good.
Now imagine a ball of pink light. Pink light represents the vibration of unconditional love. Send this pink light into your affected area. Pink light feels nurturing, loving and warm.
Allow it to sooth you, sending in a deep, unconditional love from the ultimate creative consciousness. This is your connection to worthiness.
This light might feel like you are being held and hugged by someone who really loves you and wants you to be nourished, protected and secure.
Enjoy these feelings now.
Count one, two, three.
When you are ready gently begin to feel your body coming into the room. Enjoy the feeling of being alive, awake and alert.
You might feel a renewed energy, lighter, healed and perhaps engaged with more enthusiasm.
My aching back pain was relieved after I finished this meditation. I did not notice it was gone right away.
But later when I drew my attention there, I was pain free!
Have a beautiful healed day free of your money blocks, signified by worthiness, found in the body through illness.

Spirit Medium Laura
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