The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire uses Chakras, Vortexes, Light Healing and Setting Intention. Featured in this article is love.
This is an article in this series.
- Lower Back Pain Spiritual Meaning
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation
- Clear Money Blocks Meditation Results
- The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
- Remove Blocks to Manifest Love
- Manifestation Techniques for Love
The Outrageous Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
I am laughing out loud but really spirit just led me to the secret to manifesting anything you desire. At the risk of sounding a bit outrageous here we go….

Steps Summary: The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
- Find the illness in the body. If it is your entire body use that.
- Using the illness define the blocked chakras. (If entire body just go for blocked chakra). This is an intuitive exercise.
- If working with a clairvoyant medium go deeper to see what spirit says.
- Define your intention answering these questions. It needs to be something you REALLY desire, not what you THINK you can have.
- who,
- what,
- where,
- when and
- why.
- Create a vision of this for use at #7 below.
- Send in the light
- White light to clear and heal.
- Other colors of light as you feel inspired using the basic Chakra colors and their symbolism.
- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple or White light.
- Each color invokes a healing for what it symbolizes. Ex. Red invokes abundance. Green invokes love. Blue invokes clear communication. And so on…
- Set Intention defined at #5 above using a visualization.
MY RESULTS: Recently I was a little depressed. I felt blocked in the area of fun, relationships and love.
Using this system I set the intention to have more activities and friends in alignment with what I LOVE! As soon as I did, people, places and things aligned with me started appearing in front of me.
As of today I am so busy having a blast with spiritual, artsy and loving people I can hardly contain myself!
Then I had an insight. I realized I needed to change the way I looked at the men who were presented to me. I did not like anyone.
I nick-named myself, “The One Date, Wonder.” lol. While that might sound catchy and cute, it certainly was not working to find love.
I needed to shift from not liking anyone, a defense mechanism, to liking someone again. You see I had been hurt before and after the heart chakra healing I began to open up.
Within two weeks of shifting the way I evaluated love candidates I met a man. He broke the record!
I had three dates with him as of this writing.
Another thing that happened is I began to study what creates a happy love relationship, what works in the dating situation.
I found Dr. John Gray’s new material all about “Mars and Venus on a Date,” to be superb if you are looking for dating advice.
Since this is rather early I am forced to leave you hanging. However, I did definitely shift my heart to being more open to love.

How to Manifest LOVE: The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Desire
A client of mine named Roselle (name and facts changed for privacy) had come to me more than one time. She was trying to find a way to bring in her love partner.
Yet every prediction I had made never happened. I knew there was a block in my client.
Finally I suggested we do a little healing to remove any blocks she might have in the area of love.
When we worked together I clairvoyantly saw her upper spine and chest had health issues. She had scoliosis at her shoulder blades and had a health scare a few years ago around her heart.
She did indeed validate both of these conditions.
The healing I was going to do on her was not to miraculously reverse all her health issues. It was rather to clear any blocks to realizing her dream to find a compatible life partner and to manifest this.
We were going to use the vortex of the heart chakra to amplify and send our intentions to the energy plane for creation.

Here Are the Steps We Used and You Can Use to Manifest Anything You Desire
We decided what it was she really wanted in a love partner. We clearly wrote down what, why, who, when, where. We created a believable goal within a believable time line of delivery.
The colors of light can vary depending on the situation. I work channeling your guides so everything is customized for your situation.
The one thing you should always include is a white light to begin, a health issue indicating a blocked chakra. Beyond that use your intuition to customize what feels right to you or just follow the steps I did below.
I instructed my client to:
- GET COMFORTABLE. Find a comfortable way to recline or lie down as we went forward with the healing and manifesting. We were working on the phone.
- VISUALIZE WHITE LIGHT. Visualize a white light above coming into her body. This light felt energizing, clearing, relieving and clearing and life a big weight had been lifted from her body.
- VISUALIZE GOLD LIGHT. See the light turn to Gold as it washes through your body. This will feel exquisite, calming and royal, as if you are being touched by the light and warmth of a higher realm blessing you.
- VISUALIZE PINK LIGHT. Next see the light turn into light pink as it washes through your body. This light feels calming, easing and delicate, like the wings of an angel has just touched you.
- SEE LIGHT IN YOUR BLOCKED AREA. Now go to area in your body that is blocked. Each person will have their unique area. For this client above her chest we visualized orange light.
- YOUR COLOR IS UNIQUE. There is no predetermination of one color being right or wrong for an area. Spirit will give you the colors to use at that time as it did me in this session. I choose from the basic 7 colors of the Chakras.
- ORANGE IS SACRAL CHAKRA. As I saw the color orange above the heart chakra I knew that spirit was clearing the blocks based on the sacral chakra, which were blocking her heart chakra.
- CHAKRA CLEARED. I told my client to see the orange light beaming through her chest clearing, healing and relieving her of any guilt she had from the past for not fulfilling her parents wishes for her to be a bride at a young age and have children.
- BLOCK REVEALED! Aha! We discovered in this moment she had hidden guilt about not fulfilling her parents issues she marry young. This suggested she did not think marrying later in life was a valid goal, so she was blocking it.
- WASH BLOCK AWAY. We washed this block away with the orange light by setting the intention, “I now believe it is perfect to marry older in life. I am entitled to love now.”
- GREEN LIGHT. As we felt the energy of this light move through her chest, I was instructed by spirit to use Green light. Green is the color of the Heart Chakra.
- HEALING SET. I instructed my client to see a bright cloud of green light above her chest area. I told her to imagine it going into her chest. It would feel like you have just set the chakra in balance, like you set something right.
- READY FOR INTENTION. You have cleared the block and are now setting it for further instructions.
- STATE INTENTION. At this moment I told my client to read the Intention we had written down earlier. “I am now attracting the love of my life into my life for marriage, partnership and mutual support. He shares the same dreams, values and needs as I do on many levels. We feel familiar to each other. There is a mutual understanding and sense between us. I meet this man within six months of today in a way that is natural for me. It is done. And so it is.”
- WHITE LIGHT to END. After we did this I was instructed by spirit to use the White Light to close our session. I told my client to imagine white light was gently clearing her energy as it washed through her.
- ENTER ROOM. I told my client to re-enter the room slowly.

We have just done the healing so it is too early to say what happened, however, I am certain something will happen after this.
Spirit Medium Laura
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