Successful Manifestation Stories. By combining healing with a proven manifestation steps I have had and continue to have manifestation success stories with my clients and myself.
This page and the comments will provide an ongoing list of successful manifestation stories.
Add to this list by making comments below about your successful manifestation success story, what you did and how it happened.

Story About a Successful Manifestation Story
Consumer Advisory! Using a psychic to predict when something will happen only works if you are ready, healed and cleared to receive.
One client had come to me for readings about love. Nothing I said came to pass. Finally we both decided perhaps it was time for a healing and manifestation session.
After doing it a miracle happened. She met exactly the right person she had been seeking for love.
So if you are calling your favorite psychic to make a prediction about when you will find love, get a job or whatever you want to get and it never happens, the next thing you should do is get a healing with a manifestation session.
I do Rainbow Healing with the Chakras (more on this below). As well I follow this with a proven manifestation technique called Power of 8 by Lynn McTaggart to help create your desired intention in your life.

Chakra Healing for Successful Manifestation Stories
I (Spirit Medium Laura) do Chakra Healing to remove blocks that prevent manifestation of desired conditions in life.
This ARTICLE HERE describes the basic idea behind Rainbow Chakra healing, how Laura discovered this while in trance, how she uses it with clients and on herself.

Steps to do Chakra Healing for Successful Manifestation
1. Here are the basic meanings and colors of main 7 chakras.
2. During a healing you will be led to focus in meditation.
3. Then Laura will psychically find the chakra that needs healing at that time. You may need several Chakras healed on that day or over time.
Laura may ask you to work alongside her, depending on what spirit suggests. Your subconscious can reveal the blocked chakra to you and her by delivering a number from 1 to 7.
4. Laura will clairvoyantly look inside this Chakra. You might be asked to look inside this chakra, too. Write down any colors you get, what you see, hear, feel and know.
5. Laura will guide you through a healing of this chakra and then finish by channeling white light, green light, pink light through the entire body.
After this you and Laura will do a Power of 8 Manifest Intention Sequence disc. Here are the steps.

Power of 8 Manifest Intention Steps for Successful Manifestation Stories
After doing the Power of 8 Steps with Laura once, it is suggested you do this on your own at least once per week, preferably everyday until something happens. It is even more powerful if you do it with a friend.
Steps to Prepare
DETAIL INTENTION. Write down exactly what you want to create in your life. Be specific, detailed and attach joy to every part of it. Only work on one main intention at a time.
MOVIE. Create a movie seeing yourself having this intention.
SYMBOL. Create a symbol of this intention.
Ex. You want to find the right man. You write down exactly what this type of man is like. You create a movie of meeting him, how you feel, what you do, where you go, etc.
The symbol you create for this is “you embraced in a kiss with this man.”
VISION BOARD. Make this into a vision board with headlines to help “see it” in your mind.
MEDITATION MUSIC. Choose some meditation music that makes you feel really great. Here is one I like a lot. Youtube is a great place to choose such music.
TIMER. You will need a timer like the following to do the steps outlined below.
Steps to Set This Intention Into Universal Consciousness
- Start the meditation music.
- Set a timer for 8 minutes. Eight is the number of completion and abundance.
- Review the vision board.
- Visualize the movie.
- Visualize the symbol sitting on your third eye in the middle of your forehead.
- Bring the symbol into your chest center.
- FEEL what it feels like to realize your intention.
- Place the symbol in the middle of a large crystal of light pulsating in the middle of your chest. This light is dynamic, large, vibrant.
- On the count of three imagine this crystal (now holding your symbol) explodes out in 360 degrees of direction seeding your intention into Universal Consciousness (Creative Consciousness, Zero Point Field, The Field, Infinite Consciousness, etc.)
- Sit for the remainder of your eight minute meditation feeling what it feels like to have realized your intention, relaxing and enjoying this exercise.
- Repeat at least one time per week, up to everyday if possible until you see results. Then it is time to work on your next intention.
- Only work on one intention at a time.
Well, there you have it. Your own complete manifestation system.
If you have trouble doing this you can set an appointment with Spirit Medium Laura to do this with you. Successful manifestation works better when you have someone working on your intention with you. There is more power in partnership or in a group.
Here is where to book your appointment with Laura.

Successful Manifestation Stories List
- Client came to me for readings about when she could and would find a husband. Nothing ever happened even though she met a lot of nice men, they were not right for her. Finally client asked for a healing and a manifestation from me. Within two weeks the man appeared!
- Back Healing. I (Laura) recently found out a severe lower back problem I had was miraculously healed. The slippage of the lowest vertebrae off the coccix bone had stopped. After a recent MRI I found out my body had fused the two bones together allowing for complete stabilization of this condition. I was so shocked and elated at the same time.
- Money. I (Laura) had worked to manifest millionaire status in my life. I did realize that dream. Unfortunately I had other lessons to learn after I manifested this, so the money was lost. I am now working on those lessons and learning how to manifest at a higher and more permanent joyful level than before. This article is the product of this work.
- Love. Three times in my life I have manifested my next most significant lover, husband and fiance. Each brought wonderful memories, lessons and growth. Manifesting a goal can bring new lessons, which is wonderful too!
- Add your stories of successful manifestation in the COMMENTS below. Thank you!