I decided to be a little playful. I asked Jennifer in spirit aloud if she liked the cat, inviting her to answer using the lights on the “K2” box. The box lights flickered in response, allowing us to realize how important this tool could be during a mediumship session!
“Yikes the thing is going off!” I exclaimed to the room excitedly.
I had invited Gold Coast Paranormal Investigators into the home of a client of mine. We had just finished measuring paranormal activity during a mediumship session with Jennifer in spirit.
There had been temperature changes, magnetic field oscillations and electronic voice recognition during this session.

During the mediumship session, the paranormal investigator announced the temperature in the room went down by ten degrees. This was when I had goose bumps and felt chills. Feeling these types of symptoms while doing mediumship is quite common.
The next thing that happened was the lights on the “K-2” box went when the messages from Jennifer in spirit were very emotional or emphatic. It was fascinating.
But this was the most interesting to me.
After we ended the mediumship session, the six of us in the room began to discuss how Jennifer did not like the cat that lived at this residence. This was because her niece, the young woman living at this home was expecting a child. Jennifer had expressed on many occasions to her niece that the cat could be dangerous to the baby.
As we were discussing this, the cat meandered right into the center of room, defiantly. We all laughed at the seeming coincidence of that.
I decided to be a little playful. I asked Jennifer in spirit aloud if she liked the cat, inviting her to answer using the lights on the “K2” box.
The box lights flickered in response, allowing us to realize how important this tool could be during a mediumship session!
I rushed home and placed an order via Ebay for my own “K2” box. I will be using it during mediumship sessions to get further confirmation of facts and dialogue.
I am considering holding a once a month Spirit Talk Circle with the box. If I decide to do this, it should be amazingly healing and fun.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Spirit Millionaire Manifesting, Awaken Your Abundant Destiny, Channeling The Collective Unconscious, Psychic Creativity, Psychic Mediumship and Spiritual Millionaire Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.