Just finished a reading. Was so happy I used my newest and most favorite technique to get answers from spirit. I instructed my client to intensely hold her question in her head and I would receive the answer for her.
This is so much better than my knowing the question beforehand. Why? Psychic perception is extremely subtle. A psychic can be influenced by his or her own projections when answering a question.

Therefore, when I receive from spirit for a client I ask them to ask the question silently to themselves and then I get the answer. The results are so much purer.
Today was a case in point. After I answered the question for the client, she told me what her question was. It was such a painful and difficult situation.
As well, when I touched the energy of her ex-boyfriend he was so confused and filled with contradictions mentally, it would have made getting a clear answer for her almost impossible.
Spirit however, had illuminated us earlier with a clear answer before I knew what the question was.
If you are seeking psychic answers, remember – once the psychic knows why you are calling it is extremely difficult to get pure answers. The psychic is influenced and therefore the answers could be tainted with personal perspective, opinions, fears and projections.
No matter how good a psychic is, the danger of this happening is always prevalent.
I did not realize how much so until I started doing psychic work professionally myself.
So now when I read for clients I ask the client hold the question in their mind and then spirit comes in from me to answer it. This is an excellent technique that gives you, the consumer, the clearest, most unbiased results.
Have a great day!
Laura, The L-O-V-E Your LIf e Psychic Medium