Channeled message from The Blue Ray about earth and animals.
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker. This definition was taken from this link:, by Shekina.
Today I was putting together a reminder about “Honoring Our Pets Otherside Circle and Memorial.” I decided to channel in some information to compliment the idea of animals and their significance. In came in this piece from “the blue ray light bearers for the future.” I had no prior knowledge about the Blue Ray, their roll in the ascension, their Star Seed origin and their relationship to Gaia energy, so thought this significant.
How many of you think animals have no value, except as food, clothing, transportation, income or fertilizer?
It amazes us how some humans do not see the value of animals. They think only of how the beast can be used for their needs.
Your vibrational state is directly related to how you feel connected and have empathy for the life of different species. It is not all about you, dear humans.

It is about us too. We all share earth together. This is not only your home. It is our home too.
Let us live in balance, in harmony. When you do so you will find your own life will get better, for you will move from the consciousness of fear to that of love.
In the state of love you will be more successful at living. You will experience more joy. So if we cannot convince you to live with us as one just because it is the right thing go do, then let us motivate you with the idea that you will live better yourself.
When you do onto others as you do to yourself you will experience more joy.
God bless.
Who is this?
We are The One of Beingness. We are The One Collective. Amen. The ones you channel all the time.
We remind earth of being one and having to heal the frequencies. This is our purpose; to heal the frequencies of earth through the ascension. So when we speak of one we mean that all life is one. Not just you and me but all things including plants, trees, babies, deer, elk, the sun, moon and stars, the stratosphere and the universe of all universes is one.
It is not like you are separate. You are one with us and we you. We are the ones who heal from beyond. We are the Healers.
God bless.
Who are the healers? Is there a name that you go by?
We are the healers that work with humanity for ascension and beyond the ascension. We are the blue ray; the light bearers for the future. We are the alien intelligences that work to heal earth so that there will be a future. We are coming to earth soon to help and heal. We are the Ones Who Heal.
Channeled by