Meditation will help you create the life you desire. If you meditate before doing a vision board about your desired life, meditation literally connects you with the creative infinite source from which your dreams are materialized.
What is the big deal about meditation anyway? Lots of people talk about it, but still many do not do it. The reason is they do not realize what it can do for them.
I used to think, “Meditation? Who needs it?” When I was much younger I was simply interested in making money, spending it, having fun, going places, having friends and filling my life with exciting experiences. Sounds good, right?
I used to believe the meaning of life is “FUN.”
Now I say, “Why settle for fun, when you can have joy.”
Fun is a gemstone. Joy is a diamond! Fun is good. Joy is better. Fun fills your life. Joy makes your life. Joy is magical. It leads you on your miraculous, abundant life path, the soul plan you had for this lifetime. Fun is good. Joy is better!
I used to plan fun to escape from my work, my day to day routine. Now that I live in joy, everything I do is fun. I do work I love. My life is like an exciting roller coaster, filled with magical twists, miraculous turns, swoops, zig zags and innate thrills. My life is fun because it is based on the Soul Talk Sage wisdom of joy.
Meditation Secrets
Secret 1. Meditation is your portal to the magical elixir of Joy. It will activate the magic of flow in your life. You will be led., very powerfully guided, assisted and led on your soul path.
Secret 2. Meditation will unleash creativity you did not even know you had. So if you are a business executive, artist, musician, public speaker, writer, or intuitive, problem solver, meditation is key to improving your functionality.
Secret 3. Meditation will make you more aware of emotions and blocks you have, that are perhaps hidden from view in your day to day mind. Meditation can release your inner sight.

Secret 4. Meditation will help you create the life you desire. If you meditate before doing a vision board about your desired life, meditation literally connects you with the creative infinite source from which your dreams are materialized.
Secret 5. You do not have to be still or quiet to meditate. Meditation can be done in an active state. Recently I did an otherside discernment. The soul from spirit came in to tell her niece how to meditate.
She said. “Do things that are mindless, but active such as gardening, riding your bike, walking, cooking or even singing in the shower.” It is in this quieted mind state her aunt promised she would give her niece ideas and communicate with her!
Secret 6. You do not have to meditate for hours to reap its benefits. You can go to a meditative state in minutes if you (1) focus on breathing from your abdominal area, (2) close your eyes and focus on the vision field of your inner eyelids, (3) listen to all the sounds around you until they blend into one hushing sound or white noise.
When you hear white noise, you are in a meditative state. These are just a few ways to instantly meditate.
So there you have some secrets to living a better life using meditation.
Love you all!