The other day a client came to me. She desired a “second” opinion from what her doctors had told her.
I innocently began what I call a medical scan over her body, not ready for what I would find. As I started at the head, spirit showed me a light bulb over her right brain. This was supposed to me she might have been “creating” more illness than what was already there.
At her right ear (creative mind), spirit told me she was hearing more creative discussion about her health then reality. She should choose whom she listened to wisely because there was a lot of creative chatter which ultimately would create fear rather than healing.
As I approached her chest area I saw her right lung curiously outlined in green light. Spirit told me she was healing.
My client knew what that was. She had had a recent bout of pneumonia which was being treated with good results. But there was more I needed to find, so scan further I did.
All seemed good from her heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, intestine, and so on until …
As I scanned her reproductive area my hand felt like it hit a sharp razor of energy! “Ouch!” I shouted, as my hand lurched in discomfort.
She confirmed what I just had “seen” inside of her. The left side of her uterus had something. I won’t divulge what was found, but suffice it to say, it is quite possible to “see” inside the body using our third eye or inner eye.

Don’t ask me how this happens or even why. I don’t know. All I know is spirit showed me how to do this with nary a class. One day I was doing a reading for a client and we had some time left.
I created an image of her body in front of me and then mentally scanned it finding all sorts of things she knew about and some she did not.
Each medical scan is not the same in accuracy as you might imagine, just as each reading is not. If the psychic or client is blocked because of fear to find something fatal, then the scan will not work.
It is imperative, thus, to work to achieve a spirit of neutrality and discovery as much as possible.
Each day I do my job I am fascinated at the way the universe works. It is nothing like we think it is and it behaves in ways we do not realize it can.
Here is to amazement! Cheers!