Enjoy making friends while you develop your intuitive psychic gifts at this special edition of Psychic School, 10/21, tailored for the ancient symbolism of Halloween.
“Halloween is a holiday with ancient roots that had a much greater meaning than the boisterous, costume-filled holiday that we know today. Around 2,000 years ago, the Celts, who lived in what is now the United Kingdom, Ireland, and northern France, had a festival commemorating the end of the year. Their New Year was November 1, and this festival was called Samhain, pronounced sow-en. The end of their year signaled the end of summer, the end of the harvest season, and the beginning of a long, hard winter that often caused many deaths of animals and people. Weaker livestock were often killed and eaten during this holiday, since most likely, they would not survive the winter anyway. Because of this, and the cruel winter to come, this time of year signified death to the Pagan Celtics. They believed the night before the New Year, that the wall between the living and the dead was open, allowing spirits of the dead, both good and bad, to mingle among the living. Some of these spirits were thought to possess living people, cause trouble, ruin crops, or to search for passage to the afterlife.” http://www.halloween-history.org/
In honor of the death and transition concept we will begin our transformation with a Meditation on Tarot Death Card. Beginners to advanced students can channel insights about death, transition and rebirth in their own life, then a class partner’s life.

Then we will review concepts from the book,, “The Afterlife Interviews.” This book, written by Jeffrey Marks, a psychic medium and paranormal investigator in California, channels messages from loved one who have departed. We will review these concepts from the book:
- What it felt like to leave the body.
- What it was like to go through the tunnel or light or was another way they transitioned.
- Who did they meet when they left the tunnel of light? A spiritual guide, angel, relative?
- Whether they had a life review and what it was like.
After this we (the teachers and attendees) will channel four famous people on one or all of these questions. The people we will concentrate on are Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Michael Jackson.
Afterwards, we will share what we got to see if there were similarities for validation.
Following this exciting exercise we are going to open an Afterlife Séance. We will focus our messages on death, transition and rebirth from loved ones in spirit. Those just beginning will have a chance to simply give or receive messages about current life issues.
This is sure to be an exciting event. Join us by registering here.