LIMITLESS: Achieve Your Dreams. How to become the best version of you, reach goals, improve your body, find love, achieve money, live to 100, talk to loved ones in spirit, turn on your intuitive creativity, and so on.
My products and services are geared to help you achieve your dreams. Everything from healing after loss of a loved one, getting the body you desire, releasing blocks that stifle your success are all a part of what spirit delivers through me to you.
I firmly believe that spirit is the road to becoming limitless. Spiritual evolution is behind the Ascension, allowing those on earth now attuned to this higher vibration to achieve their dreams easier, faster and more effortlessly than before.
The denser energy of the Piscean age, made achieving your dreams more difficult. This holographic experience created the illusion we are separate from what we want.
The Aquarian energy of ascension is the holographic experience of being connected to everything. Some might call this love.
If we see we already are connected to what we want, realizing it on the material plane is automatic, like the period at the end of the sentence.
So how do we as a species become limitless? How do we achieve our dreams, connect to the frequency of joy, a higher vibration of love.
- Age reversal. Live to 100. Be healthier longer.
- Blue Zones. Those that eat a whole foods plant based diet, are socially connected to a supportive community, have physical activity worked into their lives live longer than those that do not.
- Supplements. I am now taking an age reversal supplement called IHerQules based on plant extracts. It opens the microcapillary system, bringing oxygen to the cells and lengthens telomeres for accurate replication. Overall, I feel energized, optimistic and sleep like a rock. More to come on this. Contact me at if you would like to learn more.
- Exercise. I exercise every day for at least an hour. I break long periods of physical inactivity with exercise too. I take ballet, do ballroom, Latin dancing, walk, lift weights, etc.
- Shift Personal Energy. Reach life goals. I recently became Certified in Sacred Activations. This is supposed to release blocks to achieving your dreams. After getting about 30 of them in one day during the certification process, I was knocked out. I slept like a baby. At first a lot of old stuff was released. For a few days I felt down, negative and depressed. Then all of a sudden I noticed the biggest thing I feel is less fearful, relaxing me more to reach out to my dreams. What I used to be afraid to do or fear stopped me from doing was transformed to a new optimism. This allowed me to:
- SLEEP. I am no longer anxious so I sleep like I used to sleep in my teen years.
- LOOK YOUNGER, FEEL ENERGIZED, BETTER DIGESTION, MENTAL CLARITY, etc. I went back to eating whole food plant based. This is the diet of the world’s centenarian populations. Feel fantastic. I used to be afraid I would not get enough protein, would get sick, etc. (Media programming?) I am feeling and doing spectacularly on this. Just watched the Netflix original, “Game Changers.” Highly recommend.
- MONEY. Was afraid I would not and could not successfully manage my own investments. This fear created mistakes, insecurity and a belief I did not and would never have enough. The absence of this fear has created better decisions, more solid steps.
- EMOTIONAL. A new sense of optimism has entered my blood stream. Where before I felt bored, restless and limited, I now am fascinated, engaged and excited with life.
So how does one get the life they love, reach their dreams, become LIMITLESS?

I would say the first step is think this is possible. Then follow steps you intuitively are led to take.
This will support your shift from fear to love, from healing to happiness and evolve to joy, become limitless.
This step is done through these mind body soul concepts:
- MIND: FOCUS. What you focus upon is your world. So focus daily on goals in alignment with what really rocks your boat, not stops it from leaking; on what you LOVE, not what you FEAR you do not have.
- BODY. HEALTH. Live, Eat and supplement with higher vibration habits, foods and activities. The more you connect your physical vessel to higher vibration, the better you feel.
- SOUL. INTUITION, CREATIVITY is your connection to the divine, to source. It activates your limitlessness. Use Soul Talk Art or get messages using cards. Choose hobbies, activities, and work that are joy filled, that you love.
Well, there you have it. Your roadmap to reach your dreams in this life time.
Sending you big hugs,
Spirit Medium Laura