ADVERSITY: Spiritual Tools to Overcome Adversity

ADVERSITY:  Spiritual Tools to Overcome Adversity

There are times when our life works.  Everything seems to be right.

Our closets are clean, our health is great, our relationships are solid, our income is infinitely abundant, we are on point for fulfilling your Dharma, our soul’s service here on earth.

But then suddenly everything changes.  Adversity strikes!

What do you do?   During times like these we usually run right to fear.

Fear is evidenced by running to your favorite psychic for some mysterious advice, or perhaps a healer to remove some evil curse on you or talking to your friends, family or therapist to solve the problem for you.

Here is channeled material from the soul group of St. Ignatius Loyola, my master guide (same as John of God) suggesting what to do when faced with adversity.

“Relax.  Yes relax right into the situation.  Do not panic. 

Panic is the worst possible thing you could do when adversity strikes.  Instead, take a break.  Go for a walk.  Do something you love.  Take a meditation, pray, vacation or go to bed early.

When one is able to relax into adversity, one will find adversity will dissolve. 

Spirit creates adversity so we will know our self better, so we can get in touch with who we are, what we want, how we are accomplishing our soul goals.  Adversity is our keeper, our friend, our confidante, our clearing principle.

The next time you feel adversity, welcome it.  Sit in it.  Ask it what it wants.

You will NOT be disappointed, for adversity has been given to you to grow.

So as you sit now in your adversity we want to ask you.  What does it mean to you?

How can you handle it?  What thoughts come to mind to clear it, work with it, finalize it, pack it and send it on its way?

What is your intuitive voice telling you to do?

We say as a spiritual voice for you to let go and let God.  To relax, to feel abundant every day, while sending out the instruction to Universal Mind to create abundance for you.

Each day sit in meditative prayer sending out the instruction to the universe to send what you need and want, to create the next thing needed, that you feel you need or want.

The more you do this the better your results.

Do not be fooled by fear.  Fear is an illusion placed before you from loving source to support and love yourself more.   Adversity is your friend clothed in the light of fear.

Fear is there to align and light you to greater accomplishment. 

Love your adversity to watch it melt away.”


Spirit Medium Laura
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