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AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION:  THE RED LIGHT and THE MOUSE IN A HIGH HAT.  To See or Not to See, now THAT is the question.  

Ah, last night’s cold readings on The VIRTUAL SEANCE had some unusual reading moments.  Watch it at

One mother in spirit showed me a red light around her head.  I did not know what to say, except that I saw it.  The daughter, for whom I was reading, said she knew exactly what that meant.  Her mother had died of a brain stroke.

Meanwhile, I am thinking, “Hey, Spirit, give me a break!”  As soon as I thought of this, I realized, well, red is spirit’s symbol for health catastrophe.  I just forgot it.  Duh!

Then another grandmother in spirit said she did patchwork and quilting, then showed me a mouse of all things, in a top hat and suit!  

Photo: THE RED LIGHT and THE MOUSE IN A HIGH HAT.  To See or Not to See, now THAT is the question.  </p>
<p>Ah, last night's cold readings on The VIRTUAL SEANCE has some unusual reading moments.  Watch it at</p>
<p>One mother in spirit showed me a red light around her head.  I did not know what to say, except that I saw it.  The daughter, for whom I was reading, said she knew exactly what that meant.  Her mother had died of a brain stroke.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, I am thinking, "Hey, Spirit, give me a break!"  As soon as I thought of this, I realized, well, red is spirit's symbol for health catastrophe.  I just forgot it.  Duh!</p>
<p>Then another grandmother in spirit said she did patchwork and quilting, then showed me a mouse of all things, in a top hat and suit!  </p>
<p>I was shocked.  There I was on the air trying to give a reading and this random picture arrives.  I said nothing at that moment except I saw something odd (lol!).</p>
<p>But the grand daughter, for whom I was reading, later revealed her grandmother was a tailor.  Then I mentioned the mouse in the top hat and suit, thinking to myself, "Hey spirit give me a break!"</p>
<p>Can you imagine?  You are trying to do a reading, live on the air and you see a mouse in a suit.  Embarrassing.  :)  </p>
<p>Lesson, once again to me from spirit, is "be without ego. Deliver the message, because more often than not, it is correct!"</p>
<p>This is an interesting and useful concept for life, as well.  When you simply pay attention to what you see without interpretation, you will "see" more in life.  </p>
<p>The man who sees what is there, rather than what he wants to see, is the most successful.</p>
<p>Much love and have a great day!</p>
<p>Oh, and you can watch the show from last night at
I was shocked.  There I was on the air trying to give a reading and this random picture arrives.  I said nothing at that moment except I saw something odd (lol!).

AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION:  But the grand daughter, for whom I was reading, later revealed her grandmother was a tailor.  Then I mentioned the mouse in the top hat and suit, thinking to myself, “Hey spirit give me a break!”

Can you imagine?  You are trying to do a reading, live on the air and you see a mouse in a suit.  Embarrassing.  :)  

Lesson, once again to me from spirit, is “be without ego. Deliver the message, because more often than not, it is correct!”

This is an interesting and useful concept for life, as well.  When you simply pay attention to what you see without interpretation, you will “see” more in life.  

The man who sees what is there, rather than what he wants to see, is the most successful.

Much love and have a great day!

AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATION:  Oh, and you can watch the show from last night at


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