AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: A suicide, father’s molestation and cancer warning confirmed. I truly am in awe of what spirit sends through me. It is life altering not only for the recipients but also for me.
1. SUICIDE FROM OTHER SIDE. Young man came in from spirit for a caller. He said he was sorry for what he did to cause his passing. I felt impact to and saw blood running from his chest. Much about the poor decisions he made on earth, how he needed to learn patience and was planning a new lifetime in which he would work on this and other facts from his past was revealed by him and confirmed by his sister in law, the caller.
2. FATHER’S MOLESTATION. Client came to me for help with a relationship with her mother. Her father came in instead. He spoke about how he had been inappropriately affectionate with her and her siblings.
Then her mother came in and claimed how she chose to ignore what was happening and kept saying, “mum’s the word,” through me to my client. Client confirmed her mother said that all the time when on earth.
Much was revealed which client confirmed. Extremely healing and cathartic session. I needed to nap afterwards .
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: Here is a longer story which unfolded over months of time.
3. CANCER WARNING FROM OTHER SIDE CONFIRMED. A couple of weeks ago a caller’s mother came in from spirit to warn her daughter to go to the doctor asap because she was very ill, but could catch this illness in time.
Daughter confirmed she feared she was ill, but had no health insurance. Mother in spirit told her to go to a clinic a family member would recommend. Daughter did find this clinic and went to the doctor.
Doctor validated suspicion of the mother’s warning, ordering tests for further confirmation. Mother in spirit said she would catch it in time and be healed.
AFTER DEATH COMMUNICATIONS: This type of after death communication, keeps me in a daze. I had no idea this would happen when I started doing this work. It truly is life altering not only for them, but also for me.
Have a great day all!