MEDIUMSHIP: Don’t Waste Money In a Failed Mediumship Session

WHAT IF I BOOK AND THERE IS NO CONNECTION? I got a question on Facebook about losing money if an appointment was booked with me and the loved one did not show up from the spirit world.
What if I don’t bring in the one with whom you want to speak?
Fair question. Here is the answer.
1. GUARANTEE. I, nor can any psychic, guarantee to bring in exactly who you want from spirit. Most of time I do, but it is not like going to McDonald’s to buy a hamburger. It just does not work this way.
2. CONTROL. Spirit leads the sessions. You and I are NOT in control.
3. TEST THE CONNECTION. With an investment of only 15 minutes we can “test the connection” to see if your loved one will show up.
MEDIUMSHIP: This allows you to know if your loved one will show up with a minimum investment of both my and your time and money.
4. BEFORE BOOKING. You can listen to me doing radio readings and read testimonials about work with me to gain confidence about my skill level.
5. REFUND. If we cannot make a connection to your loved one in the 15 minute minimum then I end the session and refund any additional money you have paid to me. Your investment and my investment in this is 15 minutes. This only costs $39.
MEDIUMSHIP: Go here to get more information and book an appointment with me should you then feel ready.
Love & blessings,