AKASHIC MEDIUMSHIP: Evolve to JOY with Akashic Records Mediumship.
During more and more evidential mediumship sessions the souls that come through seem to stand on the edge of explaining their life in their new home, the spirit world. I always held back because evidential mediumship is about their life on earth and relationship to the sitter.
However, I felt a latent need had to be addressed. In an effort to respond to this, spirit led me to offer AKASHIC MEDIUMSHIP (aka “Life Between Lives” mediumship). It is the logical next step in the service spirit performs through me.
Akashic Mediumship can help you EVOLVE to JOY. It provides access to the deepest truth about you, your loved ones (living or deceased) and the spirit world.
Akashic Mediumship is an advanced form of mediumship. The practitioner would be capable of demonstrating validated evidential connections to spirit using mediumship.
As well, the practitioner would be skilled in the concepts of Spiritual Psychology. Mary Hulnick, one of the founders of spiritual psychology states on University of Santa Monica website, “Spiritual Psychology is the art and practice of conscious awakening; awakening into the awareness of who we truly are.”
Conscious awakening is the objective of the Soul Psychic Healer Mediumship Certification, authored by Spirit Medium Laura.
Akashic Mediumship supports your conscious awakening so you can flourish in the expression of your true, authentic nature.
BEYOND EVIDENTIAL MEDIUMSHIP. This service goes beyond the service of an evidential mediumship session in that after a validated connection to a soul is made, the medium begins to explore the identity and journey of that soul, whether in spirit or on earth plane.
This kind of information is similar to a “‘Life Between Lives’ regression session.” Life Between Lives is a regression technique created by Dr. Michael Newton. One of his most famous books, “Journey of Souls,” delivers the results of such exploration.
AKASHIC MEDIUMSHIP BENEFITS. Here is a small sampling of what you can gain from a session dedicated to such exploration.
- EVOLVE to JOY! ACTUALIZE YOUR POTENTIAL, LIVE LIMITLESSLY, LIVE ECSTATICALLY. Live out the greatest expression of your highest self, your soul, your deepest bliss for this lifetime. Actualize your potential, complete your soul plan. Go beyond this plan to reach new levels of joy and evolution.
- LOVE. Investigate the roots of soul mates, twin flames, past lives and this life time, etc. Are you with your soul mate now? Did your soul mate incarnate this life time? Who and where is this soul? What challenges did you “set up” for growth this life time around love and relationships?
- MONEY. Discover, then align, with your soul purpose to bring in the most abundance, economic solvency for this life time.
- HEALTH. Discover, release and repair health challenges through greater understanding of the soul plan behind them.
- DISCOVER YOUR SOUL (LIFE) PURPOSE. What is the meaning of your life and soul purpose, work, love and health issues at a deeper, more fundamental level for release, development and attainment.
- DISCOVER, RELEASE KARMA, BLOCKS. What are the fundamental, repeating resistance patterns chosen to experience this life time? Why? How can you overcome these patterns? How can you use them to help you evolve to JOY faster, more completely and in greater harmony with the Akashic good of all.
- REINCARNATION. Learn about incarnation itself, and your soul’s interplay with this tool for evolving. Does every soul incarnate? What is the benefit to engaging in reincarnation? Are there other places to incarnate and what is the value of this? Are there different truths surrounding this, depending on your vibration, point of view and needs as a soul?
- UNDERSTAND RELATIONSHIPs BETTER. Unravel the mystery behind dysfunctional and/or delightful relationships to repair or appreciate them more.
- LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS, DIMENSIONS & VIBRATIONS. Learn if you or loved one has incarnated elsewhere. Are there other places to incarnate and what is the value of this?
- RELIGION. Relevance of religion when in spirit world. Why did you incarnate in the religion (or lack thereof) of this life time? Will you remain in this religion when in spirit? Do spiritual messiahs, leaders and icons appear to souls in the spirit world?
- GOD. What is the true nature of God when in spirit realm? Have you or a loved one met God?
- SPIRIT GUIDES, GUARDIAN ANGELS, etc. Are they real? Who are your angelic guides in the world of spirit? Contact them in session to attune to their vibration for future contact.
- SOUL MATES, TWIN FLAMES. Is there such a thing as a soul mate or twin flame. Were you with or are you now with your soul mate or twin flame this incarnation? Was your transitioned loved one a twin flame or soul mate to you? What are/were the reasons for the incarnation together or not together? Do you have a twin flame or soul mate?
- DEATH / BIRTH EXPERIENCE. What was it like for you, your children and loved ones? Who was there to meet you? Who will be there to meet you? Did your soul enter your body before birth or did it stand outside your mother’s body until moment of birth? What happened during the pregnancy.
- TIME OF BIRTH, TIME OF DEATH. Learn about how the time of death is chosen or not chosen.
- SOUL BODIES. Did you have a body when in spirit? Does your loved one? What does it look like? What does it feel like?
- HEAVEN, HELL & IN BETWEEN. What is it like for you or your loved ones in spirit world? Where do they live? What do they do? Do they go to parties, eat, wear clothes, work? Do, did you have a place to live in spirit world? Is it the same for everyone?
- LIFE on OTHER PLANETS, OTHER DIMENSIONS and in OTHER FORMS. Other places to incarnate. Is the spirit world the real world?
- JOURNEY OF SOULS by Dr. Michael Newton. Other subjects that can be explored from “Journey of Souls,” by Dr. Michael Newton.
- How it feels to die
- What you see and feel right after death
- Spiritual guides
- What happens to “disturbed” souls
- Why you are assigned to certain soul groups in the spirit world and what you do there
- How you choose another body to return to earth
- Different levels of souls: beginning, intermediate and advanced
- When and where you first learn to recognize soulmates on earth
- The purpose of life and manifestations of a “creator”
ABOUT AKASHA: “The Western mystic-religious philosophy called Theosophy has popularized the word Akasha as an adjective, through the use of the term “Akashic records” or “Akashic library”, referring to an etheric compendium of all knowledge and history. ” From Wikipedia.

DIFFERENCE. The difference between your being hypnotized in a Life Between Lives session and Akashic Mediumship session include:
- SKILLED MEDIUM DOES THE WORK. The medium pulls in the information for you from the Akasha, instead of you being hypnotized.
- VALIDATION. Can validate what you might have suspected about yourself or have delivered during a hypnotic Life Between Lives session should you have had one.
- SHORTER, LESS EXPENSIVE. The sessions are shorter, can be broken up, easier to digest and are less expensive.
- INDEPENDENT. Sessions are not dependent on your ability to be hypnotized or not.
- DISCUSSION. You can discuss what comes up with the medium who is skilled at entering or leaving trance state, versed in spiritual, metaphysical concepts.
The practitioner would have to be
- fluent in the Soul Psychic Healer Mediumship Certification curriculum,
- able to pull in validated evidential connections to spirit using mediumship. This requires years of mediumship development.
- able to channel spiritual guides or souls in spirit about what the spirit world is like, how their souls traverse this world and so on as if in a conversation. This is a channeling ability.