ANGELS IN AMERICA – ANGELS DO EXIST – Abandoned Cats Found Home. An Angel member of my meetup (name omitted for privacy) helped me find a home for both Magic and Simba, the abandoned, emaciated cats. (Original ad is below.) They were picked up this evening. Tomorrow they go on to their home.
Thank you Angel for being you and your Angel friend for being him! You exhibited such kindness I am in awe, struck by your utter selflessness. I did not know people as kind as you existed (except for one or two others dear friends of mine). But there you were, selflessly helping these innocent, abandoned, loving animals for nothing more than to help!
This experience showed me the best and the worst in people. As selfless and humane as you Angels, are, there were many others whose cold callousness, as evidenced by this experience, left me repulsed.
What a roller coaster! But the silver lining is that I learned ANGELS DO EXIST IN AMERICA.
Blessings everyone.
Spirit Medium Laura
Please Help- 2 Cats Need A Home!
VERY AFFECTIONATE. Found emaciated, defenseless, abandoned. Declawed, neutered, male (black) and female (calico), about 14 years old. Will pay vet. Contact or 954 465 7338.