Do animals have souls? Think about a frog or a snail for a moment. Can you imagine they have a soul that is evolving just like yours? Explore this important subject through channeling from The Ones.
ARTICLE: Do You REALLY Have a Soul? Do Animals Have Souls? Do they evolve like humans spiritually??
My niece mailed me a cute holiday gift called a Ecosphere. You can get one on Amazon if you are so inclined.
Here is a picture of the one I have.

That little orange thing floating around in the lower left of the sphere is a shrimp! It is about 3/8 of an inch long (.9525 centimeters).
My Ecosphere has three of them at this time. YES I HAVE 3 PET SHRIMP!
The other day I was looking at my little shrimp and started to wonder.
Do the shrimp get bored?
Do they get depressed?
Do they think, have karma, do they have a SOUL?
Then I thought of how impossible it seemed to my small human brain that these tiny shrimp could have a soul.
Could you imagine a shrimp in the spirit world after it deceased? Maybe it lived on as human souls are thought to do.
Did they have Spiritual Guides helping them on their soul path? Ah, the conundrum of all of this, the Pandora’s box it presents.
If we have a soul, then everything that has consciousness probably does have a soul.
Imagine the spirit world with little shrimp in it. Perhaps every single life form is there, evolving spiritually, in soul groups, having spirit guides, etc.
Wow! We, as human souls, are just a speck of something in the everything!
What you do THINK?
Do you think that all of conscious life has a soul? Share your comments below.
Here is some channeling from the Ones on the nature of consciousness, souls and evolution.
Question: Dear Spirit Guides does all of life, even the smallest life form, have a soul?
The nature of reality does include all life forms as evolving matter.
We all evolve. All of consciousness evolves, even the smallest bio life form evolves.
Even the smallest anything evolves if it has conscious awareness of self and was given incarnation to evolve in its own way.
All of life has awareness by its basic definition, so all of life has a soul. The soul then takes on material form to evolve in a specific way.
Then it fades into an energetic form to evolve in a different way.
It is the nature of life to evolve.
We do not say this lightly or to make you think this is insignificant.
Life is by its very nature is evolving all the time in every way both physically, consciously, energetically and so on.
The nature of life is to evolve or to extinguish.
You see?
When life stops evolving it is no longer life.
So for you as a bio life form, evolving is mandatory to your nature, you must engage in evolution or you will sink.
Sink or swim so to speak.
We as your guides and the guides to other life forms want you to understand that life is evolving all the time and that you are a part of it.
This does not make you fleeting or insignificant. No.
This makes you MORE important than you thought.
Each of you has a will of your own to add to the dynamic of life in its overall nature.
And each of you have your individual path to evolve, which as well adds to the whole.
It is through individual will that overall evolution gets stronger, brighter and more magnificent.
The soul of a shrimp or a being with less awareness than the more finely tuned being is going to evolve too, but in its particular framework of existence.
It has its own will to evolve within like the weaver’s loom presents for a more complex fabric or print.
Some fabrics are more complex and some less so.
So it is with life. When a shrimp evolves it takes with it its soul, which is a little bit like a human soul in that it lives on and a little bit like a shrimp’s soul in that it needs different things to evolve within and from.
We as your guides are attempting to explain something that is not physical to a mind that is now physical.
Allow it to suffice that shrimp have souls as do humans but each is evolving in its own way according to it own awareness.
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
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