Looking for the next mind adventure? Then develop your ability to do astral projection for the thrill and growth of it.
There are two ways to do astral projection. One is natural, usually when we sleep at night. The problem with this is most people do not remember their astral travels and therefore do not get the most out of them. The out of body experience holds within it tremendous spiritual growth potential for the individual.

The other way to do astral travel is deliberately through mind development, awareness and exercise. It takes a Yogi years of meditation, intention and discipline to travel astrally. But today there are audios designed to synchronize hemispheres of the brain to bring on the brain wave state suitable for astral projection.
I have had the experience of astral projection without asking to do it. I was living in my mother’s house, the same house she passed away in four months earlier. One Sunday morning as I lay in that really pleasant half sleeping state my consciousness lifted out of my body and floated into the hallway outside my bedroom.
There was my mother healthy, alive and busy at a task for the day, not the least bit interested in speaking to me. She did not see or notice me.
As soon as I saw her there I panicked and flopped immediately back into my body.
Some individuals experience an out of body experience much more lucidly than I. My ex husband told me a fascinating story. One night during his sleep his astral body floated up towards the ceiling in the room.
Soon his astral body had left the building hoovering in the sky of the dark night. An energy pulled him forward to an empty road where a car was staggering back and forth along it. As he watched the car swerved off the road killing the driver by decapitation. The next day, he learned his colleague at work had been killed in an auto accident on that road in exactly that way.
Here is a complete astral projection course for those who are serious. It is of very high quality and will give you awesome results!

The basic formula for deliberate astral projection for beginners is to first develop an awareness of what it is. It would be helpful to read as many books on the subject as possible. Robert Monroe is a leader in this field and has written many books on this subject.
Stating your desire to yourself is the next step to create an astral projection experience. A very effective way to let your subconscious mind know of your intention is to begin to keep a record in the form of a journal of the results of each attempt. In this way your unconscious reality will begin to harmonize with your conscious intent, producing desired results.
When you train through learning, taking notes and meditation, you will begin to have lucid astral projections during the times you asked to have them, and those times when it just happened during sleep.
Here is a complete astral projection course for those who are serious. It is of very high quality and will give you awesome results!
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by Laura Lightseer