Astral Projection to Speak to Your Loved Ones In Spirit. Learn how to invoke Astral Projection to gain peace, healing and expansion.
I have had multiple astral projection experiences. The following stories are about how I met my mother this way around her passing.
Following this is a suggested way you can invoke an OBE for your own healing.
However, I have had several other experiences. Usually they happened when I was coming out of a deep sleep, somewhere between the waking and sleeping state.
The OBEs around my mother’s passing began around six days before she passed.
On the Sunday of the week she passed I went into a channeling session. I asked my guides if there was something I could do to help her get better.
I immediately received, “I am Serapis, your mother’s master guide. We mean this with the utmost love and affection, but your mother will be passing within this week.”
I later confirmed my mother’s master guide was Serapis (Bay) and that she would pass that week.

Tuesday night of that week, I was suddenly awakened from my sleep. My mother appeared in front of me at the foot of my bed, ran towards me and said “I love you so much.” Then she vanished.
She appeared in three dimensional form, like a holograph, dressed in her clothing, healthy and intact, although she lie physically at that time in a bed about five miles away from me in a coma.
Friday of that week, when the entire family just happened to be assembled with her as she lay in a coma on a hospice bed, I screamed.
My mother suddenly began lifting up out of her bed while still in a coma. This was the moment of her transition. Everyone just happened to be there and share in the divine event.
That night I was again awakened suddenly from my sleep. My mother was flying next to me as a cloud of white energy.
She proclaimed, “Laura, it [being dead] is nothing like you think it is!” She was excited and happy as she flew away into the distance.
This was not the last astral projection experience I had of her her.
A few months later, as I lay in my bed on a lazy Sunday morning staring at the ceiling, not fully conscious yet, I felt my vision field float out of my head like a periscope.
My vision turned around to see my inanimate body below me. Not at all frightened, I continued to float out of the bedroom into the hallway.
There before me my mother appeared walking through the house, productively engaged in some task she was completing.
She did not see me.
As soon as I recognized her I panicked and was pulled back into my body violently, but safely.
Until now, it never occurred to me that if one intentionally developed the ability to do astral projection it could help ones ability to connect with the other side.
Dr. Steven Jones, a renowned hypnotherapist, states
“One of the reasons why I’m such a huge proponent of astral projection is because of what happened to me.
Just 6 years ago, my mother passed away. It’s not something I like to talk about and for a great part of my life, I never got over the emotional pain that came with my mother’s death.
Until astral projection came into my life that is. By allowing my spirit to travel out of my body I was able to meet my mother.
The wave of relief and joy that flooded my heart upon meeting her is still something I cannot explain.
But after I spoke to her I knew that she was okay and still loved me and all the grief that I had once kept inside of me vanished.”
Dr. Jones has written a very complete course on how to do astral projection.
Learn more about the course HERE.