Attract Your “Soul Mate – Spray” Contest?

Sounds ludicrous, right?  Yet, I am crazy enough to try it.  Why?  Because I was lucky enough to have been chosen to participate in an experiment to send love and vitality to dolphins and whales.

Using a piece of properly programmed radionics equipment, Tim Simmone, the engineer behind this experiment, explained how we could send love and vitality to dolphins and whales globally.  He also explained the same principle (Intrinsic Data Fields or IDFs) is inherent in plant essence products, homeopathy, gemstones, crystals and aromatherapy.

Aromatic candle
Aromatic candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I think this is really cool.  I had been exposed to quantum physics, manifesting and the mind matter connection for most of my life (over 45 years).  Yet, I did not realize how accessible it was until Tim installed this equipment into my home.

So after Tim explained to me that essence products transmit IDF too, I set out to find an essence product for a client of mine.  She needed help in manifesting her potential.

Voila!  No sooner did I Google something about manifesting essence, then the Canadian Tree site came up.  There are no other products like this elsewhere.

Yes, there are flower essence products and aromatherapy products, but none address the problem of aligning your personal vibration with your inner vision.   At least none that are not custom created for you by an essence conjurer.

While on the site I found another product that helps attract your Soul Mate.  That really caught my attention.  (lol!)

I am using both products right now.

My results?    I have a feeling of unequaled happiness, buoyancy and general wellbeing I last felt as a teenager when everything was funny!   I even make myself laugh for no reason.

Now before you get “nauseous” just thinking of Laura as Polyanna Positiva, just laugh with me.  Life holds within it the potential for much joy.   Why not try to get out of it all that you can?

If you are interested in these products, I do not sell them.  However, I am considering doing so if you report back to me they worked for you.

So here is a link to learn about the Soul Mate spray.  Go HERE.

Here is a link to learn about the Manifesting Essence.  Go HERE.

CONTEST.  Lastly, I am going to have a little contest.  Please email me if you would like to be part of it.  I was mailed an extra Soul Mate Spray by accident (I guess the intelligent universe thought I needed extra help? Lol!)

Anyway, if you email me at with SOUL MATE CONTEST in subject.  I will then enter you in the contest.   I will draw and announce the winner one week from today on August 27th.  Obviously you need to enter the contest before that date.

Much love,


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