Handout – Aura Chakra Reading
Further information:
Buy this book from Amazon, “You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing.”
Go to this link for a good picture of chakras and the meanings of each color: http://www.shamanscrystal.co.uk

- Image by frankdasilva via Flickr
- Image by frankdasilva via Flickr
Preparation: Use L-O-V-E formula.
Let Go in meditation. Go to http://www.abundancepsychic.com/theta-trance for some good meditations.
O- Open in prayer: Father Mother God please reveal to me the auras and chakras of “client name.” Please allow all messages to come in clearly, accurately as intended, from the highest light and love source possible for the highest good and benefit of all. Amen.
V- Vibrational alignment: Visualize yourself connecting with the energy field of your client.
E- Entirely receive: receive your messages without censoring with judgement. Always to remember to deliver messages in a positive light.
Exercise One: Physical Aura
In a dimly lighted room, place your hand on a piece of paper. Direct your vision to area outside of the hand. Do not focus, yet attempt to “see” the aura.
Exercise Two: Symbolic Aura
After your meditation, prayer and energy connection, study the area around your client’s body. See what colors you find. Use the list above in the picture as your guide to interpret colors along with what spirit gives you to refine this. Remember right side of body (client left) is male or yin energy (assertive, commanding, intellectual). Left side (client right) is female or yang energy (receptive, nurturing, creative). Upper area is present. Lower area is past.
Exercise Three: Chakras
Visualize you are viewing each of your client’s chakras. As you go to each, step aside and allow spirit to “tell” you what is there. You will be amazed at the information that will be revealed.
Note: Laura reads and heals using auras and chakras. She can be reached for your private consultation at 954 465 7338 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 954 465 7338 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 954 465 7338 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 954 465 7338 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com