Aura Colors: Violet or Purple the color of psychic ability, transitioned loved ones and past lives.
When I see violet or purple in the aura of a person, depending on where I see it, several pieces of information are revealed.
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Aura Colors: Violet or Purple in the Third Eye location means person getting the reading is open psychically. It can also mean psychic ability if located elsewhere in the aura, as well.
So if I saw violet or purple in the right area over the head and through the shoulder area, I might interpret this meaning the sitter (person getting the reading) gets psychic information by using their creativity and connection to their spiritual guides. Depending on where the color is located helps define its meaning.
Spirit has actually created a map around the body for the meaning of each location. This is an example of an extended set of symbols spirit has chosen to create to work with me. If you are astute as a psychic practitioner you will have a series of psychic symbols created when you work regularly with spirit.
Purple/violet could also mean sitter is being led by psychic information, past life recall issues are at play, or a loved one in spirit is currently influencing the situation, depending on its location, what I hear spirit say to me and how it is shaped.
Violet is an extremely important color because it is of highest spiritual realm, miracle frequency, and connection to psychic ability. So when I see violet or purple in Aura Colors I know very powerful forces are at work.
Aura Colors: Purple Floating Dot Psychic Symbol
If I see a purple dot of light in the aura floating in a particular location I know spirit is bringing in the issue of a transitioned loved one or a transitioned loved one is trying to come through. For example in the aura area which stands for relationships with men, if I saw a purple floating dot I would know there is a man in spirit which is currently affecting the person getting the reading.
As I hone in on these Aura Colors I find more and more information is revealed from spirit. It is truly a miracle to see this at work.
Book private appointment with Spirit Medium Laura at

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
i have my pics taken and they told me i have violet flame (lavender, voilet, pink… all mingle together)… i have a pic on my ig… i have few told me with different reading
Another great article! Keep up the good work !
Another great article! Keep up the good work !
Hi Nicola, I would suggest you take classes with a reputable psychic to learn more about your gifts. Namaste, Spirit Medium Laura.
Hi, I had a reading recently and I was told that I have a purple aura and that she felt that I was possibly a healer and to research Reiki and Indigo children. The psychic also mentioned that I had “been here before”.
I’m very interested in learning more about but how is this information sensed by psychics? I’m very keen to know and understand this. (It wasn’t the first time I have been told I have auras and I’ve had a past life).
Thank you
Hi Elyce, Thank you for your comment. So interesting. I want to mention if you are going to practice psychic work, you learn how to spell the word. :) It is spelled
psychic (not phycic)
Much love to you! Wishing you much success!
Spirit Medium Laura
hi i am 11 years old
i have started really focusing on spiritual stuff i think i may be a medium/phycic because i can sense spirits at night sometimes i see a ghost coming towards me when i am sleeping at nighti also see shadows i get sooooo scared. I think there also may be a ghost haunting me or something like i just put a pencil on a page (i am still holding it) but it moves around all by itself. and every time it happens it always is the same sense and the same symbols on the page, anyway i have a friend who can see aura’s and last night she told me mine was purple
A doubt, should i not visualize purple and yellow color aura on those who don’t want to wish spiritual awakening. Will it effect at some point ? as i don’t want to to anything without their intentions on this path. Advice please. Thank-you :)
I would interpret that as an otherside connection to a man from past that is in spirit trying to come in. Aura interpretation is very creative. I suggest you take some of my free radio training (Clairsentience March 2014 aura reading) by joining mailing list at upper right of screen. Thanks for writing.
I saw the other day on a man on his left leg purple aura can you help . It all new to me.