Aura colors can reveal information and heal.
When I see yellow in the aura of a person I think of wisdom, learning, money and success. It depends on what spirit leads says to me and where the aura colors reside around the body.
CLASS ON READING AURAS 3/10/13. Details/ RSVP at this link.

I recently did a reading for a client who showed yellow outside the midsection of the left side of her body. There was a 2 inch wide band of color that stretched directly from her upper hip area out several feet.
Spirit explained to me this color meant my client was learning how to protect and provide for her status in the external world.
The left midsection area of the aura means objective status in the world, similar to the solar plexus. The right side of the body in the midsection stands for subjective status in the world, like intuition, creativity and receptive energy (female energy.)
I was able to tell her the financial aspect of the divorce she was going through was coming out favorably for her. Yellow meant she would be led, educated and helped to obtain the fair financial settlement for herself.
Aura colors are a wonderful way to get a reading. There is so much informaiton spirit can provide by using the aura as a map with colors overlaid in certain areas, each area standing for a different aspect of your life.