Now in the time of social distancing and isolation. As you distance you discover your authentic self, which, when nurtured and nourished becomes your atom smashing POWER!
AUTHENTICITY is your power. When you are fully absorbed in process of self actualization, recognition and support you become extremely powerful.
The secret to evolving in your power is authenticity. We have been talking about this for a long, long time, not only to you but to others on earth as well.
Power is actualization of potential. We call power the ultimate goal.
With power you release something extremely potent, that is LOVE.
Yes LOVE may seem weak and absorbing to some but rather power is LOVE in its most potent form
When you learn how to love yourself first, then you love everything and everyone else.
This is not what you call narcissism. We mean the power to love yourself as you are, not the way you wish you could be.

When you can see who you are you will begin releasing your atom smashing power of mind.
When the self can see the self exactly as it is then act upon this the self becomes indomitable, magnificent and forceful.
Love yourself just as you are.
We will present an interesting story or example of this.
When you love yourself exactly as you are you do not compare yourself to others. Rather you observe yourself to yourself then restate this truth to others
When one becomes fully absorbed in this process of self actualization and recognition and support one becomes forceful in the most extreme way.
You step into your power and become ONE with the all that is, with us, with God!
We are the Ones who have come to earth to lead and to help. Now is the time to help yourself first, then others secondly.
When you support your true nature, whatever that is, you become indomitable and beyond human. You become an expression of the Divine!
When you observe another and wish you were like them, or had what they had, stop yourself. Rest for a minute.
Remember you are just as great as they are. The only difference is they did what they were drawn to do. You did what others told you to do, not what you felt was right for you.
This is the exception between power and no power. It is following your true dreams, not someone else’s dreams.
As a light worker this is very common. Light workers become successful when they copy no one else, when they realize their gift is unique from others, when they express their gift in their unique way.
A great teacher will recognize this in her students and encourage each to do what they are doing, art, divination, mediumship, healing, etc. in the way they do it best.
There are standards and external measurements of course, but the value of your work to another is not to copy someone else but to contribute your uniqueness.
Each person on earth experiences the world a little different from the next. One might see the color red differently from you.
It is up to you to do this for yourself. No one can do this for you.
So if you were to listen to yourself more, take time to listen to yourself more in a supportive, no judgment environment, you will find out your truth. Then you MUST follow it.
When you know exactly who you are and then become this, you will find the world supports you, the universe upholds you. You become unstoppable and in your most powerful mode.
Now on earth is a unique time to reflect on who you are and allow that truth to express. Now is the time of authenticity to begin.
Now I site time for those who are unique to excel. Be your best self now. Be your unique authentic self now.
Exhort the power that is yours into your life now.
The Ones Who Watch Over