Love is perhaps the most important state for any of us to attain on earth. Yet most of us never know it, at least not in a fundamental, sustaining way.

As I shifted my own LOVE vibration, my self love increased. As my self love increased so did my self care. I lost about ten pounds, my skin improved, and other positive physical and psychological changes occurred.
As I felt better about myself, I started attracting more love opportunities, my business continued to expand. LOVE seemed to be bursting up all around me.
Do I get discouraged? You bet I do. But I continue the Be LOVE Attract LOVE program. I stay steady on the notion that I am love and therefore I cannot help but attract love. Part of this program includes I use essence products. Love essence products are located here.
What does having love mean to you? Does it mean blissful romance, success in the outer world, money and material possessions?
Yes, even attaining wealth is related to being love. For without feeling worthy of love you cannot attain anything.
Author Anita Moorjani says in her book, “Dying to be Me,” that being love, feeling love, self-love, our magnificence, is the core of creation itself. It is the most abundantly powerful state at which we can arrive in life.
She says in her book if you know your magnificence at a deep, fundamental level, if you can sense it every day in your life, you would gain access to a power so fundamental as to make space flight seem barbaric in comparison (my metaphor).
LOVE is creation itself. We don’t have to earn love. We don’t have to get LOVE. We actually are love.
She explains how nothing on earth can compare to LOVE. She, simply by being her magnificence after her near death experience, became a bestselling Hay House author and speaker.
She did not run around trying to make this happen, by forcing, fuming and fumbling. No, she relaxed into the joy of being her special self, her magnificence. This energy released a potent force which triggered a series of incredible synchronicities placing her story on the desk of Wayne Dyer.
When he saw it, he knew this story had to be told for the healing and conscious evolution of mankind. Her story was magnificent and needed to be told.

How do you crack open your magnificence? I have written on this subject since about 2006, just about the same time Anita Moorjani had her near death experience. Spirit channeled through me the concept, “Your soul is supernatural. If you live as it, you will experience your miracles.”
This concept triggered the “LOVE Your Life Abundance Method.” The first chapter of this e-book can be read here.
This weekend I am doing a 3 hour workshop class called, “Be Love, Attract LOVE in the LOVE Spa,” at Jamar Enlightenment Center ( I will take you through channeled exercises which will crack open your personal awareness of your own magnificence. (Doing a full day full blown LOVE Spa in February. Stay tuned for that.)
I am creating a self paced Be LOVE Attract LOVE multi media product so you can shift your vibration to the LOVE frequency.
When you know you are wonderful and live it every day, you will attract wonder into your life.
Be LOVE. Attract LOVE. Attend the LOVE Spa.