BECOME LIMITLESS. Align your vibration with the very creative fiber of the universal life code, to actualize your potential as your consciousness expands.
REVIEW: Swati Mastakar, LOVE CODE vibration download. “Dearest Laura, Love Code is amazing! Just wanted to tell you that I have been practicing it.
I love the way you have explained it so well. It was as if I knew it already and I had forgotten.
Thanks so much. It’s a wonderful insight. I will continue to practice daily. Thanks and Regards, Swati.”
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A channeled VIBRATION SHIFT coming soon
The Ones have guided me to create a digital series (channeled Universal Life Code to shift intelligence) designed to shift your vibration to help you attain your goals.
“The words seem to be words but they hold within them universal life codes which shift intelligence.”
As you read these ideas or hear them, you begin to change more than your thinking, you begin to change your energetic code.
You become LIMITLESS, as you shift to a higher frequency where three dimensional laws no longer apply, and higher ideals and visions become easier to attain.
Shift your vibration and change your life.
Vibration Shift Possibilities
- Open your heart to love.
- Live pain free. Release pain and suffering from etheric form to establish pain free physical form.
- Money mastery.
- Financial Independence.
- Live on less.
- Make money doing what you love.
- Attract your soul mate.
- Heal a broken relationship.
- Youthful body.
- Healthy Heart.
- Ask for luck, be lucky!
- Optimism for you!
- Realize lost goals and dreams for this life time.
- Etc.
All subjects will be directed from The Ones, so the ideas above are examples, not necessarily what will be produced.
Go to LIMITLESS video order page PAGE HERE.
Who are The Ones? (Channeled messages follows.)
“We are a group of entities living beyond the nth zone (communication beyond radio frequency) in a reality not uncommon to earth, but of higher mastery and light.
We have come to earth to help with evolution, happiness, and mind mastery so that those on earth can evolve to higher frequencies of love, light and requited love.
‘Love is the answer’ may sound like a cliche but we are here to help humans evolve to the master of love so that all souls can live as one in harmony, light and awareness of choice.
Each individual on earth is there to love them selves more than ever before and then in turn express this vibration outward.
Each is on earth to evolve to love.
We help with this self mastery towards limitlessness.
LOVE is the basic DNA of the universe, the fractals of everything.
When you evolve to LOVE, which is a vibration, not a concept, you then are able to create positive reality at will, not at desire.
The word desire is carefully chosen for desire means your ego picked it.
We mean at choice and intention.
When you choose a goal, then focus on it with the right vibration of foundation you are able to manifest or create reality at will.
This is what human evolution is all about. It is alignment with the LOVE vibration then shifting consciousness so that creation is mastered at will.
We ask you for love.
Love of self, love of others and love of the world just as it is. This program will shift your vibration to attract more love from the universe as you shift your vibration to the love frequency.
Love is the one thing people need the most in this universe. It is not up to us to establish love for you. You need to open to love yourself to attain love.
Without love there would be Nothing. NO thing in this world at all. Love is the elixir of purpose. It is the origin of establishment. It creates reality at its core.
So LOVE is the first step. After love can come other goals.
You cannot create something from nothing. You need LOVE first to create something.
Then you begin to see the shifts occur. Your life shifts, you begin to be friendlier, happier and more attuned to the vibration of the universe, the universal code of ALL.
When in harmony with the universal code you become limitless! You are no longer in resistance to it, you have become one with it and all it offers.
The universal code is the magical elixir of all that is. This code is LOVE.
However you cannot be one with the code of LOVE until you have shifted your vibration.
This can take years or it can take a second but a soul needs to learn how to align with love become one with it, before it can begin accessing universal life code energy.
Universal life code energy is the beginning of all creation past present and future.
When you are in harmony with this TONE you become unified with the field. The field of creation is then accessible to you.
As we said, there are many ways to access the field. One is deep mindful meditation. Another way is robust spiritual discipline and study, contemplative exercises.
We ask that you realize the field is for all to gain access. It does not only come this way.
However, another way, which is faster is to access our channelings because it will change your perspective faster, shift your vibration directly.
The channeling is directed to attain the goal without any interference or distractions.
We are here in the universe to aid with the evolution of mankind. This program is designed to help you and others access The CODE of DNA which develops change, which shifts vibration to higher frequencies where universal code is accessible.
This is NOT work. This is REALIZATION of self, which happens when one steps into the audio allowing it to flow through them.
The words seem to be words but they hold within them universal life codes which shift intelligence. When you hear the code you know the code, your soul recognizes it and then aligns with it.
It is like training wheels for universal consciousness delivered straight to your inbox for consumption.
You do not have to travel to get it. It is delivered to YOU!
The Ones.”