Being Understood

“Being misunderstood is a joy deficiency. The more you hear and understand yourself the more others will hear and understand you. As you add more joy into your life you demonstrate self understanding. With self understanding you attract those that understand you. Understand you and others will in turn reflect that back.”

It was a beautiful winter day in Southern Florida.  The sun was shining (what else is new?), the birds were chirping and so was a student at me.   I just finished talking about the spiritual law of non resistance, letting go, which is the first step in the “L.O.V.E. Your Life Abundance Method.”

The basic premise behind the L.O.V.E. Method is earth’s energies for manifesting have shifted from ego to soul.

Since this method was something channeled through me I decided to research its validity before using it.  I found many of the concepts behind it were Buddhist, 12 Step and Ascension based.  I didn’t know Buddhism and was only peripherally involved with 12 Step and Ascension concepts at the time.  Yet there it all was.

So after teaching a class on this an attending student said to me, “You should read Byron Katie.”

This really fascinated me.  Was there something missing in what I had just delivered?  Why did my student say to me, “You should go read so and so”?

I did not consider the student was just sharing.   I was confused. This was becoming a syndrome for me.

I felt I had been attracting situations, people, places and things which  reflected back to me a sense of being misunderstood, invisible or even disrespected.

I was smart enough to look further.  As I took that nasty nose dive into my stuff, I realized something rather liberating.

If I felt I was not being heard it meant I did not respect, hear or even understand myself.  Shocker!

It had nothing to do with others not “seeing” me.  It had all to do with me not seeing me.  As I delved deeper into this condition, I channeled the message, “

“Being misunderstood is a joy deficiency.  The more you hear and understand yourself the more others will hear and understand you.  As you add more joy into your life you demonstrate self understanding.  With self understanding you attract those that understand you.  Understand you and others will in turn reflect that back.”

I realized in this channeling that I had not been “hearing” myself.  I had not been responding to my need for joy enough, even though I teach others to do so.  I immediately began my personal joy campaign, running off to take a Zumba class.  (Oh, by the way the Brazilian instructor was “yummy!”)

You can begin your joy campaign too.  Start by paying attention to how you feel.  If you are feeling sluggish, bored, out of sorts or cranky perhaps it is time for a joy break.  Take the time to discover what you like in your own life and add it into your day to day existence.

You will find your vibration will rise and others will appear to “see” you better.  Being understood is one of the most basic of human desires.  Begin being heard today by hearing yourself!

NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn, Psychic Medium to L.O.V.E. Your Life, is available for private sessions.  Her soul level discernments can provide help for communication with loved ones in spirit, speaking to your spirit helpers, healing,abundance, life purpose, holistic business creation, medical intuition, and soul mate attraction.  She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.

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