As my modest mountain of money slipped from my life against all my best efforts it seemed something else was at play. No matter what principle I used, and I had been manifesting for over 40 years, I was unable to shift the energy of defeat.
There was much advice thrown at me. The main piece of advice, which is still stuck in my throat like a rogue chicken bone, is, “Your beliefs are at fault.”
How could my beliefs have created defeat, when the same set of beliefs had created the original accomplishment? I had reached the goal of financial independence within ten years of setting it.
I felt there was more going on. Finally after assiduously digging in to understand what was really happening, I finally decided. There is something below our beliefs that shape our reality, our experience on earth.
There is essence. Our essence, our soul, has a plan for us. It goes beyond believing in this or that. When you can align with your soul, your beliefs are not important. You just are.
Beliefs suggest duality. There is something I believe in and there is something I do not. With duality there can only be separatism, competition and lack of completion. With being there is unification, cooperation and completion. There is LOVE.
Being in essence is what meta-physicians call the Now, the super conscious mind of God. When you are living as your soul, your essence, you are simply being your grandness, your magnificence, as Anita Moorjani puts it in her book, “Dying to Be Me.”
When you are living as your soul, you dig deeply into the bliss of being your gifts, talents and nature. As you fully endorse your being, mystical and magical things begin to present in your reality. You are led, as if a magical current of energy that was hidden all along, now steps up to beam you forward.
Many of you who know me know the story of my sister. After many years of searching for her soul mate, a bad marriage, many failed relationships, she finally found him.
But this was only after she let go control of trying to find him and opened to the magnificent possibility of her destiny. After surrendering to this process, she began to simply vibrate in her magnificence. She entirely followed her flow, starting to do things she loved to do and letting go of the struggle to get what she wanted.
She became free. In this state, the man whom she was going to marry forty years earlier but was taken from her due to extenuating circumstances appeared again on her path. They are now happily married.
It is in your magnificence you will attract your abundance. Here are four steps to get there.
- Let Go. Relax. Stop trying to fix, force and feed everything. Just let things be.
- Open to possibilities. Realize reality holds infinite possibility and is subjective. No matter how limited you believe supply to be, there are always exceptions and miracles within a sea of scarcity. For example, let’s say you believe it is very difficult to find a love partner where you live. Then within a week’s time you meet someone who met and married a love interest within the same environment as you. Reality is as you see it, nothing more.
- Vibrate in alignment with your essence. Affirm what you want is in your life on a daily basis within the construct of a deep meditation. Just keep affirming it is in you now. Ex. “I am love. I attract love.”
- Entirely follow your flow. As you mix these ingredients to bake your cosmic cake of desired results you will begin to notice energy emerges which floats you along. Go with it. Follow it entirely. Do not resist. If one door closes, be grateful, as this is merely your flow directing you forward, not proof that you cannot have your desire. Soon you will find the flow gets stronger and stronger until your life is filled with little and large miracles of mystical proportion.
The above steps spell the word LOVE. Yes, love is the acronym and the state in which to live in the flow of the miraculous.
Be love. Attract love.
Be fear. Attract fear.
The concepts are simple. The possibilities are endless.
L.O.V.E. is the abundance system spirit channeled through me to teach others in the new millennium. I have written a book on it. The first chapter is FREE and located here.
As well, L.O.V.E. is the foundation of all my psychic coaching with clients. Contact me if you would like to either be coached on using L.O.V.E. in your life to awaken your abundance or if you would like a private psychic session. I can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or
Much love to you!