How to eliminate bad karma to be FREE of karma. It is possible to live your dream life if you know how to blast karma. Channeled piece on how to be free of karma.
KARMA BLAST ManiFAST! Be FREE of Karma! How to Eliminate Bad Karma
What would life be like for you if you did not have any karma, if you did not believe in it, or somehow you just were not affected by it?
Would your life be wonderful? Would you have everything you wanted? Would you feel good enough all the time, with high self esteem, amazing accomplishments and enormously great luck?
Well, er, yes!
A life without Karma, would be like a life without boundaries or blocks. You would pretty much be able to live a peaceful, fulfilling existence, attaining that which you desired without much resistance from the universe.
At least that is what is speculated here.
So what is karma, how did you get it and how do you shed it with the least amount of effort? How do you eliminate bad Karma?
I remember hearing a lot about the healing modality called Theta healing. The healing practitioner told me that through a series of steps you could shift beliefs, suddenly realizing goals which had evaded you beforehand.
OK. So we all want a magic wand, right? We all do not want to pay our dues. We want straight “As” in life without having to suffer to get them.
But is this possible? It is possible to simply let go of that which blocks your desires?
Today I was working with a lovely client. She was echoing a block which her soul had set up for this life time to overcome.
She always felt the man she was with was cheating on her. If he so much laughed with a women at a party, she would suddenly go into a dark space in her mind, believing he was going to abandon her.
After a little bit of psychic work it was revealed the last time she felt this way was with her ex husband who severely abused her, even during her pregnancy with their first and only child.
There were other experiences she had prior to this with her father and even before this life time, which echoed this pattern.
Karma is cause and effect, and we as human beings have complete control over stopping the cycle.
Here are channeled steps from the Ones on how to eliminate bad karma to stop the karmic cycle in your life.

Steps to Obliterate Karmic Patterns
- See the issue. Karma cannot be affected if you do not see the pattern.
- Observe any place in your own life where things are not working, where you feel deprived, unhappy and/or repeating a pattern. This is a Karmic Set up to be obliterated.
- Ask for help. We as your Divine Beings are waiting for you to ask for help. If you do not ask we cannot interfere. So it is extremely important to ask us for help
- How to ask. You can ask in any way.
- You can ask that your Divine Beings help you. You can ask that God helps you. You can ask that any spiritual figure from your tradition of worship help you.
- Who you ask is not as important as the way you ask. When you ask from the heart, a sincere core of desire, you will find then we are unlocked, our help is released to help you.
- We as your Divine Beings work with your heart chakra most of all. All things you want come from desire.
- Desire is the ultimate power house of shift from karma.
- So Ask and Ye shall receive our help, but ask from passion, desire and knowing that this Karmic pattern can be released.
- After asking in intensely focused prayer for exactly what you desire; you will be led. You will discover what to do next.
- Do not take action until action is inspired in you. It is important to wait for inspiration!
- After a while you will see things begin to shift. You can ask as often as you need to ask, using your feelings and desire to guide this process.
- When you do not feel to ask anymore the request has been received and activated by us. At this time you can rest until shifts begin to occur.
You will find after dong this for a few years, your life will begin to express your deepest dreams and desires in a fluid way. You will not live any longer in the lower astral planes of suffering.
You will have ascended to a higher frequency where Happiness is the norm.
The Ones.
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