How to Have Faith When Everything Is Going Wrong. Are you crippled by fear? The channeling in this article might surprise you. It did me.
How to Have Faith When Everything is Going Wrong
Faith is taught through loss, when it seems everything is going wrong. Your disasters hold within them the gift of faith. Read on.
At times it is so difficult to feel secure and peaceful, to have faith that everything is going to be just fine.
It is easy to wonder whether we will have enough money, have the energy to perform the tasks we need to hold our jobs, perform our roles in life.
At times we question if we are good enough, attractive enough, loved or loving enough.
We can suffer from the “will it ever happen?” mindset.
LOVE. Perhaps you have always found it difficult to find love, to hold onto love, to bond in a relationship, so you wonder if you will ever get married, have children, a family or find love again.
MONEY. Maybe you have always had the problem of not being able to find work, a job or even your talents, or confidence, so you can find work. Money has always been an issue for you.
Perhaps you once had money, but lost it. It seems you can never get back on your feet, abundance evading you, poverty peeking at you from behind every bush and flower in your life.
HEALTH. Perhaps you wonder if you ever will feel whole, healed again after the loss of a loved one, perhaps even a child. The pain is so intense you feel you might die from it alone.
Perhaps you have a debilitating illness, from which you wonder if you ever can be healed.
These are the questions I get quite often during client sessions and have in my own life. Although I am a mouthpiece for spirit, I am a human being too.
So how do you trust and have faith that everything is going to be alright; that you will find work, love, have money, get healed and so on?
How do You Have Faith When Everything is Going Wrong?

Here is a channeled piece from spirit in answer to this question.
“It is not easy to let go of difficulties and problems when on the earth plane. They seem real, so real as to stop your blood from pumping through your veins.
Fear can affect your health, your eye sight, what you see both figuratively and physically.
It is not easy to overcome this illusion of loss, lost and alone.
But fear is an illusion, dear ones.
There is never anything lost, anything not available to you or anyone on earth. It is the illusion that you do not have something that creates the issue.
So from our perspective you need to let go of the idea that you do not have something in order to clear the energy field to gain what you want.
So in the case of money, ask your heart to open up to the idea of money in your life. As your heart to allow money to occur to be there to thrive in your presence.
For love do the same.
For healing do the same.
Ask and it shall be given to you.
We mean that money, love, faith and healing is there for you. All you need to do is ask for it. When you ask it is like the flood gates of heavenly presence opens for you.
Those that do not ask never receive. Yes, it is this simple.
You alone have the key to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is had by asking.
Ask in prayer with a song in your heart, with a care about your loss. [Meaning with feeling.]
When you are feeling down, like you do not have something which you need or want, ask first that it be given to you.
When you ask your prayers are immediately answered.
This is it, just simply ask.
We cannot say more than this for asking is everything to having and achieving your desires, dreams and goals.
But you must ask God, for to ask for something from someone false, will not bring results.
“Someone false” means that some people ask for what they desire from their head, not their heart.
They do not ask God for help. They ask themselves. They wonder how they can handle the situation them self. This is what we mean by head.
This is misguided and foolish. When you hand it up, the miracles begin, not when you hand it down to your head, your self.
You are not in control of anything. You are on earth to learn how to hand control up to a higher power. You are on earth to learn faith.
Faith is taught through loss.
Faith is a grace you can develop over time, by entering the loss, feeling its pain, then handing it up to God for healing.
Even those that do not have faith can ask. They do not have to believe in God for God to answer them.
When we say God, we mean the creative power and force of a higher vibration that is benevolent and kind.
This power is available to all, even those who do not believe in it!
This is such a deep concept that it might be very difficult for you to imagine it is true.
Even if you do not believe God will answer you.
All you need to do is ask.
We say this because those that do not believe will not ask. It is sad, but even those that DO believe will not ask!
Yes, there are many on earth that say they believe in God or a God but do not ask for help.
They look everywhere for an answer but UP!
We say look up, towards the heavens and ASK for help, assistance, faith, power, knowledge, everything.
Form your union and bond with a higher power.
It is only in this way that your prayers can be answered, that FAITH can be gotten.
The Ones channeled through Spirit Medium Laura.
Book your private session with Laura HERE.
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