Can Humans Become Immortal? If so, what happens to the evolution of the soul, reincarnation, karma, and so on.
Lately I have been obsessed with longevity, healthy aging, age reversal, centenarians, The Blue Zones and other ways to increase the human healthy lifespan.
This is to be expected as I approach a landmark birthday.
Guess My Age? I invite you to psychically speculate on my age in the comments of this article below! haha

The Worlds Authority on Aging: Can Humans Become Immortal?
The world’s foremost authority on aging, Dr. David Sinclair has identified key components to living a longer healthier life, perhaps to 150 years.
His research has identified B3 vitamins, pharmaceuticals, vegan diet, time restricted eating, fasting, exercise, restful sleep and other lifestyle components which can lengthen the human healthy life span.
He outlines these ideas in his book, The New York Times bestseller, “LifeSpan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To.”
So Can We Live Forever? Can Humans Become Immortal?
Here is a video of Dr. David Sinclair providing his answer to this question.
In summary he says in this video, “To be immortal you only need to go back 1 year every year!”
Well, that is a rather interesting idea!
So if humans could become immortal how would this effect the evolution of the soul, karma, soul purpose, soul plan and other aspects of the soul.

To answer this question I thought I would check in with my guides, who call themselves “The Ones,” in this channeled message.
Channeled message from The Ones: Can Humans Become Immortal?
Humans already are immortal. They do not need to become immortal.
As you already know the basis of spirit has little to do with immortality of the physical.
The essence of spirit has only to do with the immortality of soul.
If a human body were to become immortal it would only be living up to its soul potential. This potential is to be immortal.
So if a human body lives forever it will be just fine. The soul will find ways to evolve within that context.
Evolution is as possible in the physical state as it is in the spiritual state.
Nothing would be lost.
Humans do not have to suffer to evolve. All they have to do is to be conscious.
In being conscious they begin to see and discern the difference between evolving behavior and not.
When a soul evolves it thinks things through. It is present and conscious in its choices. It allows itself to be.
If the human body as a host to the soul allowed the soul to be, then the soul would evolve even more.

What Would Happen to the Spirit World If Humans No Longer Died?
Would the Spiritual World No Longer Exist or Be Needed?
The physical and spiritual world are actually a continuum along the same spectrum of light.
The spiritual and physical reality are connected, but expressed at a different vibration.
We in the spiritual world are just as alive as you but at a different spectrum of light.
So we all would exchange and interact as we have in the past.
Evolution of the soul would still continue.
Human souls will still traverse between these realities.
Some souls would choose to leave the spiritual spectrum and go into the physical world still, but less often than before.
Some humans would still leave the physical world to go to spirit even if immortality were possible.
Because of this it does not matter if physical immortality were possible. There would still be a spiritual world.
We are not trying to make light of the impact of physical immortality, but such a possibility does not change the underlying conditions.
The Ones
Thanks Bryn for your comment. Not my age, but thank you anyway! :)
You are 53 years old