A conversation with spiritual guides about reading the future.
It is possible to read the future but it does take some practice and technique and belief that it is possible. Not everyone does believe in it you know and many will try to discourage it as possible. So first step is to believe it is possible.
Does the future already exist?
- Image by Nathaniel_U via Flickr
- Image by Nathaniel_U via Flickr
It does exist on some level. It exists on the spirit plane already but not in the physical world. At any one point in time there is a physical manifestation of the spiritual concept of reality. So if you change your mind you can change your future, but when you are reading the future you are reading the way it is now set in the spirit world to unfold. It is not set in stone, so to speak, however, it is set in script as in a movie script.
So if we say to you this or that is going to happen we mean if all things stay the same the way they are when the future is told.
So yes you can read the future, and yes the future is already in existence, however, it is in existence in a soft form, not a hard form as in physical reality.
When you read the future you are reading a script from the spirit world.
There are various ways to get to this script, some of which you now know and some of which we will teach you.
Is there anything else? What about free will?
Free will is an act of choice, not mandatory. Free will can change the outcome of course. When you do your future reading always keep in mind that the free will of an individual will and can change what you are seeing right then. It is up to you to interpret how important free will is to change the outcome.
Some situations are pretty much karmic and must remain the same as well. (Note: “A Course In Miracles,” says that the “script has already been written.” In other words, we pre-choose the events and circumstances of our life and therefore, we can’t make up a new script. New agers say we create according to our will, beliefs and what we visualize. The ultimate belief is that all is per
fect as it already is, Nirvana or acceptance of all as perfect.)
At times there is no way to change the outcome.
There is no way to change certain outcomes if they are meant to be. An example is physical death. The earthly condition is to leave the physical at some point in time. The death you choose upon being born is not going to change much. There are a few changes to it, but the possibility to change it greatly due to free will is not that possible.
Especially if at birth the death was chosen for a karmic reason, then it will not change.
So many medical doctors think they are changing the outcome of someone’s death when in effect they are really living out a script already planned.
So much for doctors my dear!
Are you serious Spiritual Guides (SGs)? I thought you could change your death by working hard at health, nutrition and getting good medical care, like, for example, someone who has cancer. If they diagnose and treat it early, can they not live on for a longer time on earth?
The death issue is a question that is complex. It is not easy to explain this to a person in the physical because it will upset your belief systems. Most individuals have chosen upon birth when they will die and how they will die. Other things like who they will marry and love are also big life questions that have very little to do with your free will or choice.
There are other things that were set up before birth that will include a free will choice. But at times the choice is so narrow as to be redundant anyway.
You see you have come to earth for a reason each one of you and cannot get out of that easily.
So your free will is pretty much decided before you are born.
So let us review.
If you decided before you were born to have a death experience where you knew you were dying before you died to learn how to have courage, faith and patience, you will not be able to get out of that experience very easily from a free will choice.
You might change the outcome of the exact situation you are in but you will recreate the situation to have the lesson in another way instead.
There are certain choices you have set up that are indeed optional. These you will be able to change.
So it is not so easy to decide which choices can be changed and which ones cannot be changed.
An excellent psychic reader will be able to see the difference if they are perceptive. All they need to do is to ask spirit and they will learn the outcome.
Summary: Some things are less open to free will than others. All depends on life planning choices before birth. Death and dying is usually one of the most difficult ones to change, as well as, life partners and soul relationships like family and children.
NOTE: Laura Bartolini Mendelsohn teaches classes on reading the future and as well does psychic readings which will reveal your potential future. Please contact her at (954) 465-7338 or email at PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to learn more or set an appointment.