Can You Reverse Aging From Stress (or anything)? Yes, in a way simpler than you ever thought possible. So simple, it is miraculous!
This has been recently proven in a scientific study conducted by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald and her team. You can read about the plan in her book, “Younger You.”
The Amazon Description of the book reveals, “Based on the groundbreaking study that shaved three years off a subjects’ age in just eight weeks, discover a proven, accessible plan to prevent diseases and reduce your biological age.”
Younger You Program Reveals How You Can Reverse Aging From Stress, Etc.
Lately I have been consumed with learning how to reverse my biological age as I approach a landmark birthday. It just so happens this decade is all about miracle breakthroughs in age reversal.
There are some focused on the possibility of extending the human life span to 150 in the near future. Others speculate there are no logical limits to how long a human can physically live once the body is able to genetically repair itself.
Here are a couple of biotech breakthroughs of late.
Blindness reversed in a mice. January 2021.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments Reverse Aging Process in First Clinical Trial, January 2021
Aging Reversed in Humans By 3 Years. January 2022.
Old mice grow young again in study. Can people do the same? January 2023.
I found the Younger You program after “Googling” for “Age Reversal Program Simplified”. I had already found the Life Extension program, but it would cost around $15,000 to $25,000 a year. As well, it includes taking pharmaceuticals, which I am selective about.
Life Extension Age Reversal Program Explaining How You Can Reverse Aging
Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s Younger You program focuses on diet, lifestyle, and detoxification and not on expensive pharmaceuticals. The program has proven that diet, lifestyle, and detoxing can help reverse your biological age.
Here is a summary of this program.
Exercise: How You Can Reverse Aging From Stress
Simple movement like dancing, walking, bike riding or even gardening 30 to 60 minutes, 5 to 7 days a week is enough to turn off you aging genes and turn on your youthful genes.

Stress: How You Can Reverse Aging From Stress
Meditation is included in this proven program twice a day for 10 – 20 minutes at a time. Improving stress response is vital to improving epigenetic expression. For those of you who have difficulty meditating a meditation app like Calm can be helpful.
Sleep Is Most Important to Reverse Aging
I have written an article on how to improve your sleep HERE. When you are sleeping the body restores itself through several DNA methylation pathways. Dr. Fitzgerald recommends at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

Connecting With Others: How You Can Help Reverse Aging From Stress
When in community and connecting with others you can lower blood pressure, improve glucose levels, and increase feel good hormones. Having a pet, helping others, enjoying music, art or other pleasurable activities, getting a massage and other connecting activities can support this.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Cut out inflammatory foods like sugars, gluten, dairy, and alcohol. Increase the healing foods like vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, unprocessed animal/fish.

Support for You
Check out the Younger You website, especially the two month program which will guide you through this process. This program can peel 3 years off your age!
Younger You Video Introduction
Here’s to a long and healthy life!
Spirit Medium Laura
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