CARPE DIEM: Seize the Day In Every Way!

CARPE DIEM:  Seize the Day In Every Way!

A couple of days ago I was speaking about having your own private honeymoon with life!  Living in a CARPE DIEM sort of way.  Spirit suggested through me to take inventory of your feelings and desires every moment of every day and do the things that are supportive of you, that allow you to take a break from stress, struggle and survival.  This is great example for your children and those around you.

You can create your own private heaven on earth!  This is particularly compelling when done against the odds of negativity that wave through our astral existence.

Spiritual evolution happens when you remain positive, happy on a honeymoon, living in a carpe diem sort of way.

So what did I do yesterday?  Just the opposite!  Yep.  Here I am talking about a honeymoon with life, carpe diem, seizing the day and yesterday instead of getting out to a lovely dance with friends, I chose to sit home and contemplate my navel.

Well, that would have been just fine, except now that this morning has arrived, I feel like I skipped yesterday all together!  lol!  I feel I evaded life, instead of living it.

The take away is to live each day like it is your last.  Make it a blast, because before you know it, this physical existence will be replaced with a softer, gentler form of life in the spirit world.

Not that one is better than the other.  No.  But being on earth is a privilege, an opportunity a gift to learn how to be happy even when you don’t “feel” like being so.

About two weeks ago, I was doing some closet cleaning (always a great clearing experience).  As I went through my drawers I found a bottle of body lotion my mother had given me before she passed.

She had bought it deliberately so I would remember her, she told me.  I thought that strange.  How could I forget my mother?

Now I realize what she meant.  She had actually anticipated at some point in the future I would need to hear this message.  I did when I found it.

I had been living over the last 20 years or so, perhaps my whole life, in a pattern she had once emanated.  Conflict.

The name of the body lotion she had given me is,”Embrace Harmony.”  My mother had known at the right time, I would find that lotion and read the message, reinforcing what she had learned in her later years, “Choose to be happy.  Embrace harmony.”

My mother had a long history of anger and sadness at a lost marriage with my father.  When she was younger she had difficulty holding her temper.  She was filled with stress and strife at her life.

Finally in her senior years she learned self mastery.  She began to smooth her temperament choosing harmony over arguments, choosing happiness over hardship.  She changed her reaction to life deliberately and it worked.

I am certain my mother was extremely happy at this as it allowed her to evolve to a higher spiritual plane upon leaving earth.  I am certain she did not have to self judge at her life review improvement was needed in the area of temperament and self mastery.

So last night I allowed the evening to pass uneventfully.  Today I thought, “Wow, what a waste!”  I feel like I did not even live through last night.   I sort of hid from it.

Are you hiding from life?  Are you allowing each moment to pass by without seizing it, living it or harmonizing with it?

The time for CARPE DIEM is now!

I made a vow to myself this morning to go out dancing once a week minimum.  It will no longer be allowed in my Embrace Harmony Carpe Diem attitude to live life as if I am on a Honeymoon with it every day.

I hope this article was meaningful to you.


Spirit Medium Laura
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