ANXIETY HELP and AGING. A friend came to me because he was suffering from more and more anxiety as he got older. He was unable to deal with stress, he could not sleep at night and he felt a lot of social anxiety.
I used my medical intuitive abilities to research various aspects of his health which ultimately he needs to explore further with a licensed medical professional. This is what I found. Perhaps such findings can help you.
“Here are four ideas. Let’s take a look at these to see where they go. It might take a while trying different things before we get to solution. It took me one full year to heal myself of recurring respiratory infections. I finally found out it was mold in my air conditioning system.
Your anxiety is NOT purely psychological because it arrived with age. I believe your anxiety is actually causing your sleep issues, your inability to compromise or handle any stress.
Possible ways to handle this.
1. Look at your Glaucoma medication. Most are beta blockers which can cause anxiety as side effect.
What I found out is beta blockers (prescribed for Glaucoma) can INCREASE anxiety. Beta blockers ironically sometimes prescribed FOR anxiety can increase it. Here is an article on this and holistic treatment protocol.
2. Eat only whole real food. The numerous additives in food can cause anxiety. Since you are already proving a sensitivity to drugs, I think you might also be uniquely sensitive to all sorts of chemicals put in our food. Green light foods (eat in unlimited quantity) are fruits and vegetables. Yellow light foods (moderate quantity) are dairy, fish, organic meat, oils, etc. Red light foods (hardly ever) are sugars, refined carbs, processed, etc.
3. DHEA and anxiety disorder. Another idea. Maybe go to an endocrinologist? DHEA has been linked to anxiety. As we age this hormone depletes significantly in body.
article: http://www.neuroendocrinology.
With age DHEA goes way down.
DHEA controls testerone:
4. REDUCE INFLAMMATION with JUICING, DIET and EXERCISE. Shortened telomeres (brain nerves) creates anxiety (article from Science Daily below shows a study which substantiates this claim). As we age the nerves in our brain shorten as does size of brain (covered in videos by Dr. Neal Barnard on Links below.). It makes sense then that a holistic approach including juicing be used to help correct underlying condition. Here is article on shortening telomeres causing anxiety in a scientific journal.
Here are videos of Dr. Barnard talking about aging and the brain.
▶ Neal Barnard, MD: Power Foods for the Brain – YouTube
▶ Avoiding Alzheimer’s – Neal Barnard MD – YouTube
Juicing but with capsules (freeze dried juice powder placed into capsules) should be done in addition to than juicing on your own. Why? Because it is more concentrated, more convenient and complete to give you want you need to detox, fortify and relax. Here are some articles on how juicing can help with anxiety.
I take a green supplement like Garden of Life Perfect RAW Super Food or juicing to the same extent (hard to do), will detox your body, removing as much inflammation as possible, thus improving your overall and brain health. I take 16 capsules (8 am, 8pm) filled with freeze dried green food. More info about this product HERE.
ANXIETY HELP and AGING. From what I can tell, juicing in high quantities seems to be something unilaterally used for healing just about everything. Why? Because it encourages the body to heal itself.
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