(Channeled.) Do you want to LOVE your life? Do you want to LOVE your work, do the work for which you are naturally talented and long to do?
You are not alone. Today many, many people are being called to create new ways to earn a living. Many have a drive to do something more meaningful for which they are uniquely talented.

Others have hidden their heads in the sand, hoping their old ways of earning money will continue only to find this was taken from them against their best efforts.
[I am the latter. After working very, very hard most of my life to earn early retirement I was forced twelve years later to reinvent myself. I believe my soul created this loss so I would be forced to LOVE my life doing my soul work.]
You are meant to do your soul work. It is a combination of your emotional needs with your physical talents and creativity. It is something you must do or forever feel incomplete.
It is the work your soul planned for you in this life time.
What do you want to do? Do you want a holistic business based on intuitive and/or holistic skills you inherited or feel fascinated to do? Whatever you feel is correct.
You need to begin to realize your feelings of what you want to do are always, always correct. This is the first step to nirvana on earth, to follow your feelings instead of negating them.
The next step is to begin to disentangle yourself from that which you do not like or want. Are you doing work you hate? Do you realize how damaging it is to do work you hate to your soul’s evolution? It is extremely deleterious to your personal evolution.
You must forever and by choice live in joy. Joy is your soul speaking to you about the possibility of the deity; that it is possible to live in a field of blissful energy which leads you forward.
You are not meant to suffer. No, you as human beings are meant to joy, yes joy on earth. The more you do so, the more you express the deity. The more you express the deity the more miracles you will experience until your life reads like the stuff of magic forging forward into the bliss of nirvana on earth.
The earth’s energies are shifting right now. Do you want to take advantage of this? There is a huge opportunity to now begin to live in joy on earth. You can and you should.
The first step to follow your joy is to begin to do your soul work. The Holistic Business Blueprint was created through Laura by us to help you realize your dream of prosperous work you love. Take the plunge. Do the work you love.
Your soul will evolve and you will experience nirvana on earth.
RSVP for Psychic School, Holistic Business Blueprint here.
NOTE: Laura Mendelsohn is available for private channeled sessions, spiritual psychic readings, mediumship, Manifesting, Psychic Development, Psychic Mediumship and Holistic Business Blueprint coaching. She can be reached at (954) 465-7338 or PsychicMediumLaura@Gmail.com to set your private appointment or join one of her classes.