Today we will speak on the true nature of LOVE.  What it is and why you would want it.

Many on earth seek love, but find love is only there when a certain set of circumstances are met. They want a loved one.  They want money.  They want a house, a home, a slender body, a smaller or bigger nose.

You name it those on earth want it.

We say to you, think about wanting what you do want.  Think about feeling love towards something that is not what you want.  Think of seeing it exactly as it is, the way it is n the way you want it to be.

This is the true nature of LOVE.

It cannot harm you.  It can only help you to see and know love the way ti is, for love is your friend, not your foe.  When you are able to see something even natural disaster from a perspective of acceptance, even gratitude, you have begun to “see” things exactly as they are from a higher perspective.

From this shadow land there is no perspective there is only reflective knowing about what you want and need, versus what really is.

In the world of spirit we see things as they are.  We do not adorn them to be much more or even less.  Things in their natural state are loved exactly as they appear, nothing more or less.

In this state of full acceptance of what is, the miracle resides, for in the state of being you will see exactly what there is to see without embellishment or desire.

Desire is the thing that twists you away from LOVE.  Detachment is the thing that leads you to love.

We see love exactly as it is and love all things exactly as they are.  We do not adorn or embellish.  We ask for nothing but your eye on the meaning of love and what it is.

We ask that you begin to become impartial to what is and ask that things become exactly exactly as you want them to be.  In this wanting you will remain in the land of discontent.  In the land of discontent is the seed of love.

Love comes from the malevolence of discontent.

We know this sounds like a paradox but is is true.

When you are unhappy you have the chance to love what is making you unhappy.  Then you will ascend.

It is all about ascension.  So love your discontent and you will ascend. 

This is the love we seek for you.

Love things as they are and you will begin to proceed into a higher place where love is all there is and you will become accepted for what you are.


The Loved Ones, The Group of Souls that Heal the Earth and All of Its Inhabitants, The ones.

We are the Ones that see Humanity for what it is and still love you.  We love you exactly as you are.

Will you not love us as we are?  We are the Ones that lead and guide you.

