ASCENSION: Rising Vibration
The Ascension is about rising vibration. As your vibration rises, you may feel old patterns, friends, life style no longer suits or fits you. You may feel very isolated and alone, desiring to be in nature more often, rather than out with friends socializing.
This can be very very frustrating indeed. You may mistakenly think there is something wrong with you, you are weird, eccentric, or undesirable in some way. I did. Then suddenly I realized. I AM BETWEEN VIBRATIONAL LEVELS, GOING THROUGH YET ONE MORE, VIBRATIONAL SHIFT.
Funny how this has happened to me. As my psychic gifts are opening astronomically, each session more outrageously magnificent than the last, my “feeling” to be among earth and earthlings is lessening, softening. I feel like I want to go where I belong, but I don’t know where that is.
It certainly is NOT on earth, or with normal earthlings, concerned with day to day issues, matters and dramas. For me life has gotten very effortless in many areas. But in the area of social context, it has gotten rotten. (Smile.)
By: The Library of CongressI just don’t feel like doing anything other than being alone right now. This upsets me a bit because I am getting older and my earth brain says to me, “Well, you don’t have much time left on earth to XXX.” You fill in the blank.
Of course, these are all ego concerns based on the notion of scarcity, fear and lack.
ASCENSION: Rising Vibration
The reality is there is no lack, no scarcity. There is only connection. Why then do I feel so disconnected?
Because I am going to the next context. The next vibration.
ASCENSION: Rising Vibration
So if you are feeling the same way, I invite you to know you are shifting. Know you are in the right place at the right time for you. Know that prayer to bring yourself through the worm hole to the next dimension in which you belong, will help the birthing process.
Alpha Omega Light Beings Comment. “You are moving from one gravitational level to the next. Each having its place in evolution. The more you know this is a right shift for you at this time, the more you will pay attention to the signs leading you forward, the road marks.
Please pay attention. This shift is critical to your completion of your life plan this go around. You are shifting because your soul is leading you to something new.
DO NOT RESIST YOUR SHIFT. Pay attention to it and then follow the leads. Again, ask to be led.
When you do you will find the stage changes very quickly.”
Alpha Omega Light Beings
Through Spirit Medium Laura