How to Change Your Beliefs to Attract LOVE. Here is an unexpected solution to change beliefs with a channeled message from The Ones.
How to Change Your Beliefs to Attract LOVE. If you are not attracting love or in a negative pattern which results in no love, maybe it is time to look at your beliefs and change them.
Many times when I am doing the radio show (join our mailing list to listen or get readings on the show) I am asked quite often when the caller will find love.
Spirit is very careful when working through me. There is no set time that you will find love.
There is only the NOW.
If you are NOW in a pattern of negative thinking and beliefs which block your ability to find love, then guess what? You will not find love.
Now when when asked this question I am drawn to look at the energy profile of the caller to discover the blocks to love.
Once we discover the blocking beliefs, how they were created, we can together release them.
Last night I was talking to a friend. He revealed to me after going to the EST training in New York during the late 1970s he discovered his block to love.
“The ‘EST Standard Training’ aimed ‘to transform one’s ability to experience living so that the situations one had been trying to change or had been putting up with, clear up through personal responsibility, accountability, and possibility.” Taken from HERE.
During the seminar he realized he had blamed his mother for his parent’s break up, leaving him without a father. After that belief was embedded in his subconscious he had a hidden anger towards all women.
When he realized he was projecting this belief into his current relationships, he was able to see it and release it so he could find love.
After that his interaction with women became more productive and enjoyable. He did eventually get married.
So how do you find your hidden beliefs and blocks to LOVE, so you can transform and transcend your current patterns?

Here is some channeling from The Ones on this.
Dear Spiritual Guides, how does one discover their blocks and release them so they can find LOVE?
Love is a difficult subject for within each of you stand many barriers some of which you did not create.
When we say you did not create the barriers we mean that the barriers exist subtly in the reality you live.
When you incarnate to earth you have chosen to experience NO love to learn how to FIND LOVE.
It is obtuse we know. The area of love is a contradiction and a conundrum for the earth vibration.
For on earth there really is NO lack of LOVE. There is the ILLUSION of lack of love.
And by choosing as a soul to begin a life on earth, in the earth vibration, you are choosing to experience the illusion of lack or loss.
We as the spiritual guidance want to remind you that there is NO LACK OF ANYTHING on earth or anywhere.
No love is lost or missing.
You are the very essence of love itself. You are the creator’s effort of LOVE.
You were created from LOVE. Love therefore is your very nature.
So when experiencing the illusion of NO LOVE. The first step to undoing the block to love is to understand that having NO LOVE is an ILLUSION.
Remember that you are LOVE ITSELF.
The next step is to begin expressing this love.
Why? Because without expression of love you cannot feel love. So you begin to express your essence as love by acting in love.
You can act in love by giving to yourself and others.
Giving is the essence of love.
As you give you grow in the expression of love.
Once you have begun the expression of love you will begin to hold the essence or vibration of love.
The Spiritual Law of Vibration states that like vibration will attract like vibration. So if you are expressing love to self and others, you will then be the essence or vibration of love and therefore attract love.
Now you may say, “But what about my beliefs and how I still block love?”
It is not necessary to understand your beliefs or blocks as much as it is necessary to begin expressing the vibration of love.
With this expression you will begin to attract loving situations. This is where your beliefs and blocks will be eradicated through experience.
So we recommend going a level higher than acknowledging and releasing your beliefs.
We suggest you begin with the expression of love itself.
This will clear your beliefs automatically!
It is a simple process, but not easy.
We hope this makes sense to you.
Clear the vibration and the beliefs will follow.
You clear your love emanation vibration by acting in loving way.
God bless, Namaste,
The Ones through Spirit Medium Laura
Wow. Well, I certainly was not thinking that myself. Glad I went to the Ones for the answer.
I would like to add that my friend’s loving gift to himself was to choose to take the EST training. This training was a self nurturing step in that it promised self development.
So now it all makes sense. When you give yourself love first, you begin to release your beliefs to finding love.
Have a great day all!
Further development…
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