HOW TO ATTRACT TRUE LOVE LAW OF ATTRACTION. It may surprise you but true love from another starts with true love of self. Empathy and compassion for self is your law of attraction secret.
I just got through reading a synposis of “The Shape of Water,” 2018 academy award winning film. When I was through I thought of “true love,” how much we crave it, how important it is and what we will do to get it.
We all crave to connect with another human being, to experience a blending of souls, perspective and communication. The feeling of true love is almost like peace, coming home, a huge sigh of relief.
Life without it is miserable.
This movie, “The Shape of Water,” is all TRUE LOVE. It weaves the ideas of connection, communication and compassion, having empathy for each other, artfully through its plot.
TRUE LOVE is a basic human drive. But how many of us have the stuff from which true love is made? How many of us have compassion; compassion for self first and others second?
I would like to suggest that the first step to attracting true love in law of attraction terminology is to embody, express and embolden the concept of compassion and empathy. Compassionate empathy is the foundation from which true love can blossom.
Compassionate empathy is the way to attract true love. Empathy for self, first, then for others.

The more you develop your sense of compassionate empathy for yourself, the faster and more directly you will be able to attract true love with another.
The Law of Attraction states we attract what we are. If you are compassionate empathetic love for self, you begin to emanate that vibration to the world.
The world in turn resonates to this vibration attracting to you like frequencies which reflect and express the same quality.
When I had not yet developed love and empathy for myself, I attracted an unloving relationship.
I remained in this unloving situation, mistaking it for love for quite some time. Why? Because we will be attracted to and attract the antithesis of love until we get the lesson of love.
We remain in the Karmic pattern we have created for our spiritual evolution until we evolve. So if you are in an unloving situation right now, you have created it so that you would learn how to have empathy and love for yourself first, then others next.
The more you develop this sense of self acceptance, self support and self love, the more you are readying attraction for your true love relationship.
Here is “The JOY Secret,” simple exercise to begin that delicate, but oh so desirable, journey towards self love.
- Sit each day with pen and pad. Ask yourself, then journal on, what you desire more than anything else in the world this day.
- Go beyond the first thing that comes up. Keep asking yourself, “Why do I want this?”
You will know you got to the core of what you really want, when what you want is not what someone gives you, but what you give yourself. What you really want will feel peaceful.
- Be surprised at what comes up for you. What you think you want is quite often a mask for what you really want. This is especially true if you are in an unloving place in life.
When I was in an unloving relationship I thought I wanted my partner to make me feel loved with lavish gifts, time and attention. What I really wanted was unconditional acceptance and support of me from me.
3. Start to give yourself what you really want. Over time, as you become more loving, self accepting and supportive of yourself, you will develop your empathy for others. This is the first step to attracting true love into your life.
4. Create a visualization exercise for yourself describing what you really want in the form of a recorded script you play for yourself daily, perhaps while you exercise or cook. or a vision board you view daily during a meditation. Add to this, daily affirmations which support these ideas.
5. During a mindful daily meditation for at least 5 minutes repeat a mantra which reflects what you really want. A simple, monosyllabic, two word phrase like “LOVE WED,” repeated as a focus term during your meditation will do wonders in your life to shift your vibration from self deprecation to self love, automatically attracting love to you from another.
Spirit Medium Laura
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